Agora (2009)

Agora (2009)

This historical drama in set in Roman Egypt and revolves around the story of a slave who turns to Christianity with hopes of finding freedom while falling in love with his master, Hypatia of Alexandria, a renowned professor of philosophy and mathematics.

Written by Mateo Gil and directed by Alejandro Amenabar, Agora is a Spanish English-language film. Rachel Weisz plays the role of Hypatia, who apart from teaching mathematics, philosophy and astronomy, also studies the flaws of the geocentric Ptolemaic system as well as the heliocentric model that opposes it. Amidst social unrest and religious turmoil, Hypatia fights to secure the knowledge of classical antiquity from being destroyed. Max Minghella plays the role of the slave and Oscar Isaac acts to be Hypatia’s pupil and later becomes the prefect of Alexandria.

In Agora, you will see how a historical fiction manages to bring out the relationship between science and religion beautifully despite Greco-Roman polytheism losing its prominence and Christianity making its way into the Roman Empire. The title of the film Agora refers to a gathering place in ancient Greece, much like a forum in ancient Rome. The film also roped in historical advisors to make sure whatever it has depicted is authentic and credible.


Agora (2009)

A historical drama set in Roman Egypt, concerning a slave who turns to the rising tide of Christianity in the hopes of pursuing freedom while also falling in love with his master, the famous female philosophy and mathematics professor Hypatia of Alexandria.

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