The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

Joan of Arc

In 1412, a young girl named Jeanne is born in Domremy in France. The times are bad with the Hundred Year war being fought against England since 1337. English soldiers and knights roam the streets in the entire country. Jeanne grows up to become a very religious woman and she begins to confess many times in one day. When she is 13 years old, Jeanne has her first vision and she also finds a sword. While returning home, she is faced with English soldiers who are tearing her hometown apart.

Many years later, in 1428, Jeanne recognizes her mission as ridding France of the English and so she sets out on a mission to meet Charles the Dauphin. He is in a desperate military condition and welcomes help from all quarters. That is how Jeanne is welcome to his army and given a chance to prove her divine mission. Once Orleans and Reims are liberated, Charles the Dauphin gains access to the throne and he dismisses Jeanne without acknowledging her contributions.

Unfortunately, the visionary is trapped by Charles the Dauphin and is eventually imprisoned by the Burgundians. During her trial under the English law, she is compelled to keep from the masses information about her divine visions and is thus persecuted for practicing witchcraft and being a relapsed heretic. The young woman of 19 years is eventually sentenced to death and burnt alive at a marketplace in Rouen, on May 30 1431. Watch the tragic tale of this young hero in The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc.

Joan of Arc

The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

In 1412, a young girl named Jeanne is born in Domremy in France. The times are bad with the Hundred Year war being fought against England since 1337.

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