The American Humanist Association

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Lmale's picture
The American Humanist Association

These twats are making atheists look bad.
Their most recent idiocy was threatening to sue a football team for praying, heres the reason its idiotic NO ONE complained. The people on the team are happy to do it. So its got fuck all to do with atheists.
If you havent been following them a quick google search can show you they make alot of threats.

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CyberLN's picture
There are so many things I

There are so many things I want to say in response to your post. I'll resist saying some of them because I don't want to resort to name calling and cussing. On second thought, I may wait a day or two because I just can't seem to find words other than those right now.

Ellie Harris's picture
It is a massive waste of

It is a massive waste of resources.

Lmale's picture
Yes but the bad press is

Yes but the bad press is worse. Remember religions christianity in particular spread propaganda that all atheists are evil, hateful, spiteful, satin worshipers etc.
Threatening a football team over religion when no one has complained makes up look bad.
They also threatened a small diner that was offering 15% off if you prayed before a meal thats just silly its hurting no one pray to the flying spagetti monster whatever their rule only said you had to pray not what religion. Now if they had limited it to a specific religion then it would not be ok.
In both these cases the communities were outraged so more bad press about atheists.
Could barely be worse if they were trying to sabotage us.

CyberLN's picture
Is the football story you are

Is the football story you are referring to about the Hall County School District and Chestatee High School in Gainesville, Georgia?

Lmale's picture
Yep the one in the news

Yep the one in the news section.

CyberLN's picture
Well, someone did, in fact,

Well, someone did, in fact, complain and did ask the American Humanist Association for their assistance. And it is a public school...what they did with that theist activity is in violation of the Constitution of the U.S.

Lmale's picture
Oh, in that case the reporter

Oh, in that case the reporter should have included that info it changes the whole damn story.
Ive noticed one or two mistakes from her stuff not included that could be found on a 1 min google.
Think someone should have a word with her but i cant im british lol.

CyberLN's picture
The next time, then, that you

The next time, then, that you consider starting an alarmist thread like this one and using slang terms for women's body parts as a derisive term when describing them, you might want to think twice about it and do a bit of research first.

Lmale's picture
First off i expected an

First off i expected an unbiased news report on this forum to contain all the facts.
nounvulgar slang
a woman's genitals.
a person regarded as stupid or obnoxious.
hit or punch (someone).
"if my best mate said that I'd twat him out"
I was using number 2 im british.

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