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CyberLN's picture

A rant...a vent...

I work for a U.S. based, international corporation in the top 15 of the Fortune 500.

Just noticed a story on our intranet with verbiage about praying for someone followed by a phat wad of "thank you jeezuz" comments.

What the hell? I find this so demoralizing. And the worst part of it all is that I won't complain because of the risk involved.


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Paddy Whelan's picture
Feck it you have to pick your

Feck it you have to pick your battles, if complaining might put your job at risk it's probably not worth it. Don't feel too bad though, just think how stupid all those people will feel when they die and go heaven only to find that it isn't there :D

Puzzled Primate's picture
It sucks. I've been there. It

It sucks. I've been there. It's embarrassing, depressing, disrespectful, and enraging.

Like you, I vent online.

I cope with laughter. Thank dog for YouTube atheist humor. And memes.

ThePragmatic's picture
Perhaps if there is a way to

Perhaps there is a way to speak up anonymously?
If so, make sure to also mention that it is anonymous because of fear of backlash.

jay-h's picture
It's not clear to me in the

It's not clear to me in the discription, is this an officially endorsed prayer request, or simply where individuals can post their own comments (facebook like)?

If it's just where individuals post, and their not breaking any rules...

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