Atheisim and Isolation.. like a rock in a pond.

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Rach on Rock's picture
Atheisim and Isolation.. like a rock in a pond.

Hi! I have lived my entire life on a rock, a little Island far from any land mass (700km to nearest!) and I am an Atheist. It is not always expressing your views anywhere in the world but on an Island 5 by 8 km where everyone knows everyone it can be horrible. My culture, my people come from a community founded and shaped by religion and even though most don't go to church anymore it still has a hold here. I have been viewed as a Satanist, a witch etc. I became an Historian and was surprised to find many people here past and present also have no love for religion but sadly most tend to be "closet" Atheists, the fear of public derision is too strong. The local paper, the only one, has banned Atheist material from being published, and many still don't have the internet. What I want to know is how do I, without causing myself or others trouble get the truth of Atheism out there? people still equate it to witchcraft and the Churches here tend to "combine" they even have their fingers in our PUBLIC school, every Wednesday!! if anyone is facing similar issues please let me know, it is sometimes just nice to know, no matter the physical isolation that we can be united.
Thank you.

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ImFree's picture
Hi Rach, welcome to the site.

Hi Rach, welcome to the site. My sympathies for the isolated situation your in. Maybe someday you will be able to identify other atheists through the internet. Surely there are others that feel isolated as well and will go online.

CyberLN's picture
Is there any option to create

Is there any option to create an atheist organization thats purpose is to do things that support the community? For instance, clean up a park, set up a food bank, collect clothing for the needy, etc. Doing so would likely change folks' opinions about what an atheist is. At first it might be only you or a couple of others, but, with time, it might grow.

Rach on Rock's picture
thankyou for you views, this

thankyou for you views, this Island is unfortunate in being a seriously aged population, we can't have babies here, as our hospital can't deliver them, and our tourism base alone is the 60+ group. What I would like to try and do is unite those people in our community who feel shunned or can't speak out, it is hard to even figure out how many there are..the churches here have their fingers in everything, they make up the food parcels, they sponsor things, they have lessons in our only school. My children have been constantly picked on because they and only two other kids DO NOT attend weekly scripture, we are out casted. I would like to let my people know that Non-religion is not evil, that there is more to life than one book or doctrine. I tried to start a group by putting up a meeting sign on our public board, but it was removed. I wrote in the paper and was told "we don't print THAT view" it is wonderful to actually be able to get online and see, read, and discuss these issues with others, some times just being able to express and share views with people I don't know is better than sitting at our local pub, and getting into the same old local arguments!

CyberLN's picture
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