Atheist Debunks Christian On Transgender Issue

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bussta33's picture
Atheist Debunks Christian On Transgender Issue

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Stu. K.'s picture
Perhaps be a bit more

Perhaps be a bit more specific than "thoughts"? He obviously destroyed him (although I do think I remember some points of his were just as bad/unsupported as the Christian dude). Was there anything in specific you would like our thoughts on?

jay-h's picture
I found him to be kind of

I found him to be kind of annoying with his ad hominem insults, didn't finish the video

His example of equating gender surgery with heart surgery to establish it 'normal' is pretty simplistic and would be quickly shot down. Perhaps a closer argument (and ethically tougher one) might be to discuss the people who cut off hands or gouge out their eyes, or modify their bodies in other ways because they believe that they are really amputees --is that normal? Some people have emotional needs to change their identities or even species. Are people who are absolutely convinced that they are really space aliens normal? Do others have an obligation believe them because they are sincere? Or are others simply obligated to accept that is what these people believe and leave it at that?

'Normal' can mean different things, and needs to be defined before the discussion starts throwing the term around. Congenital blindness can be considered normal in the sense that it happens in nature. In another frame of reference it's not normal (but of course not evil either ) because it's the failure of a biological mechanism. The choice of definition changes the nature of the discussion.

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