Atheist events?

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Burn Your Bible's picture
Atheist events?

Does anyone know of upcoming atheist events in socal?

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CyberLN's picture

Just google "atheist events Southern California" and you'll likely find more.

Burn Your Bible's picture
Thank you

Thank you

ZeffD's picture
Just a thought: I know I'm a

Just a thought: I know I'm a broken record on this, but 'humanist, skeptic, secular, freethinker, Brights, atheist events' might be better, or you could miss a group of non-believers.

Burn Your Bible's picture

All suggestions are welcome, I will also try typing those in. I want to start debating publicly ( small at first in order to improve) but I can't seem to find anything I my area. I'm more inland empire ( inbeteeen LA and San Diego)

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