atheist volunteer work?

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Theginanorton's picture
atheist volunteer work?

I'm currently in school to become a dental hygienist. The instructors are all very christian (mostly they aren't too pushy about it as it is a public college) but when they talk about previous students who have gone on to do volunteer work, it's always a "ministry" that they got involved in.

Are there not atheist volunteer groups? I want to be able to help people with the skills I'm learning? I care deeply about being "good without god". When I've asked about volunteer opportunities at the school, the instructors are always really happy to help me find something, but it's always christian organizations.

I'm even considering doing my volunteer work through one of those, and just not participating in the religious side, but I think its really important for atheists to show the world that we care about making the world a better place and that it can be done without deities.
I have the summer semester coming up and I'll be a dental assistant (the hygiene portion of school wont be done until 2019.) and I'd like to use that time to volunteer.

Any ideas?
Also, I cannot travel, I have a young daughter that I can't leave, and I make very little money so I definitely can not afford to go far away.

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Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Neon. Welcome. If

Hey there, Neon. Welcome. If you look at the option bar up at the top of the page, there is a "Volunteer" button you can click. Personally, I have not looked through there myself, but I imagine there would be some info in there that could point you in the right direction. Hope it helps.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
As TM says, the volunteer'

As TM says, the volunteer' button is a good start. Also google 'Volunteer opportunities' with your location, visit your local library and scan the notice boards. In some places putting 'Atheist' is just inviting abuse so many organisations and people hide under other names. Depends where you live as I say.
Any homeless shelter would be glad of your skills.

CyberLN's picture
The volunteer button at the

The volunteer button at the top of the page is for volunteering at AR.

Are you in a major city? Try

Have you googled for secular volunteer orgs in your area? Also, check thru your local government, they may have opportunities for it as well.

ZeffD's picture
Kansas Atheists are a good

Kansas Atheists are a good example of what goes on in some parts of the USA..
In the UK voluntary work is mostly done through local authority initiatives or Humanist associations, but individuals can apply to be hospital visitors or youth workers as long as they provide any background clearances. There's no need to contribute to your community through an organised charity. My personal motto is "just go do it".

carolelaine's picture
I agree that there a lot of

I agree that there a lot of church related volunteer opportunities, but there are many that aren't. Check out Habitat for Humanity, call your local school system or rec department, visit the elderly in nursing homes. Do you have a special talent that you can share? I have a friend who crochets blankets and hats and donates them to shelters. We also made hundreds of dresses and sent them to Africa, Haiti and Central America. All without an organized charity. The opportunities are out there if you look for them.

CyberLN's picture
Not that I dislike Habitat

Not that I dislike Habitat for Humanity, but it IS is a xtian organization.

Theginanorton's picture
The thing is, as a dental

The thing is, as a dental assistant, i can only work in the presence of a dentist, and the dental organizations that I've found doing volunteer work are mostly religious in nature.
I want to work within my field, both for the good of doing so, and for networking. I'm hoping by the time im done with hygiene school I'll have made enough connections that I can be permanently established with a professional volunteering organization that isn't Christian. I want to make it a part of my lifestyle. I want my daughter, who is still a believer, to see that you don't need God to do good.

chimp3's picture
The ACLU invites volunteers.

The ACLU invites volunteers. Most hospitals and nursing homes do also.

Cognostic's picture
I remember a You Tube video

I remember a You Tube video of atheist knocking on doors and passing out flyers. When the residents of the home looked at the flyers, there was nothing at all printed on them. "Of course there is nothing on the flyers," said the volunteers, "we are atheists."

It really does not take much to be any kind of a volunteer. Join any group and just remember to wear your "I'm and atheist" shirt.

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