Atheistic Aspergism

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SeniorCitizen007's picture
Atheistic Aspergism

I've just coined the title of this topic ... as an apt description of my world perception. Now I'm waiting to see if anyone here thinks like me.

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arakish's picture
First. What is your

First. What is your definition of aspergism?

Something to do with Asperger's syndrome?


SeniorCitizen007's picture
There a joke about Albert

There's a joke about Albert Einstein ... if he'd have had "treatment"/help with his obviously autistic behaviour when he was a child he might not have ended up doing a menial job in a patents office. He could have become a university professor and the world might not now be afflicted with its present-day fear of Nuclear Armageddon. People with Asperger's syndrome need to be carefully watched ... neurotypicals have suffered throughout the ages from the activities of people with this neurological condition, who have been constantly causing disruptive changes in societies throughout the ages. Recent studies (actual studies!) of people with Autism/Aspergers suggest that their brains are lacking in the ability to comprehend the nature of God. NASA has been spending billions on space research ... money which could be better used here on Earth. It has been said that NASA is "a sheltered workplace fior people with Asperger's" ... !!!
A recent study found that 93% of American scientists are atheists ... the neurotypicals have been funding the activities of these "people with neurological disorders" for far too long!

(Note that I have used "throughout the ages" twice ... so that the reader will associate what has happened to human society these last 12,000 years or so with people who said to have Asperger's}

Gobekli Tepe 11,600 BC. The latitude of Gobekli Tepe is significant. Look for "significant places" on that latitude.

xenoview's picture
Nasa's budget is nothing

Nasa's budget is nothing compared to the US military's mind boggling almost 600 billion.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
One of the original islands

One of the original islands of the Azores is now just rocky islets and reefs. The Dollabarats Reef, part of the Formigas Bank, is exactly on the latitude of Gobekli Tepe. Maybe there bleeding WAS an Atlantis!

Today there are nine islands ... there used to be tenth ... then the waters rose.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
The latitude of Gobekli Tepe

The latitude of Gobekli Tepe is encoded in the Bible ... in the Noah's Ark story.'On the seventeeth day of the second month of the 600th year the floods began ... numerical data! ..... look for more in the story from which one can construct a map that centers on the latitude of Gobekli Tepe.

Cognostic's picture
That reminds me...... I have

That reminds me...... I have to wind up my coo-coo clock.

arakish's picture
SeniorCitizen007: A recent

SeniorCitizen007: A recent study found that 93% of American scientists are atheists ... the neurotypicals have been funding the activities of these "people with neurological disorders" for far too long!

Which study? Link please.

SeniorCitizen007: Gobekli Tepe 11,600 BC. The latitude of Gobekli Tepe is significant. Look for "significant places" on that latitude.


SeniorCitizen007: The latitude of Gobekli Tepe is encoded in the Bible ... in the Noah's Ark story.'On the seventeeth day of the second month of the 600th year the floods began ... numerical data! ..... look for more in the story from which one can construct a map that centers on the latitude of Gobekli Tepe.



arakish's picture
Looked it up on Google Earth

Looked it up on Google Earth Pro.

Gobekli Tepe is an open mine.

Need more input.


Cognostic's picture
If you desire to know more

If you desire to know more about the aliens and Göbekli Tepe, tune in to the (Pseudo)History Channel and watch “Ancient Aliens: Unexplained Structures” (Dec. 16, 2010). If you can't find the episode, go here and watch about 8 minutes of wild speculation from fringe characters like Linda Mouton Howe and Graham Hancock.

Better yet, read Edwin's review of this "legitimately fascinating archaeological work [that] is being overshadowed by the sensationalist assertions of a motley crew of cult historians." Edwin hangs out at Skeptical Cubefarm.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
I.m not capable of it myself

I'm not capable of it myself but the coincidental fact that this "lost island" in the Azores (the Azores being a popular location of Atlantis) is exactly on the latitude of Gobekli Tepe could be elaborated upon to the point where lots of people would lap up (concocted?) evidence that Atlantis really was there. The plain under the sea at the Formigas Banks is "strewn with boulders".

The Ark was 300 long 50 wide and 30 high. That's a semicircle of 300 units (think of a boat) with the oar at 30 degrees.

Flamstead set up his observatory at Greenwich in an attempt to locate it 30 degrees West of the zero longitude used by the ancient Egyptians (he got very close).

The Golden Fleece in the Jason and the Argonauts story represents the knowledge of how to navigate by the sun (think of planet Earth with the latitude and longitude lines as golden threads).

Aliens aside ... it could be that civilisation evolved from a sea-going people who flourished 10,000+ BC ... their settlements now being under the sea.

My thoughts are that it was their DIET that stimulated their mathematical abilities (high in Manganese and possibly other trace nutrients).

There is evidence that prehistoric Europeans may have crossed the Atlantic

SeniorCitizen007's picture
My obsession with the

My obsession with the latitude of Gobekli Tepe is leading me into strange places. The battle/siege of Yorktown is exactly on this latitude ... 37.21 degrees North. This event can be seen as the first victory of truly democratic government by the people.

Gobekli Tepe, an ancient site perhaps heralding a new age, is on exactly the same latitude as the place where democratic forces defeated the "old order" in 1781. .

chimp3's picture


Nyarlathotep's picture
Your claim that those objects

Your claim that those objects are on the exact same latitude is false.

arakish's picture
And there is about another 31

And there is about another 31,500 kilometers along the 37° latitude, both north and south of the equator.

So what?


SeniorCitizen007's picture
UFOs fly along the Gobekli

UFOs fly along the Gobekli Tepe latitude! He he. Area 51 is on it.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
Whilst what I'm "into" may

Whilst what I'm "into" may well be a total load of "bullshit" there really are quite a few "significant" places (many battlefields) precisely on the latitude of Gobekli Tepe. The American and French armies straddled this line during the siege of Yorktown. When the British surrendered the surrender party marched out, flanked by American and French soldiers, and crossed the line to the place where the surrender formally took place.

Something similar took place when the Macedonians defeated Sparta at the Battle of Sellasia in 222 BC. The Macedonians straddled the line and Sparta was occupied by enemy forces for the first time.

During WW2 the first landings in mainland Europe (from Sicily, across the Straits of Messina) involved ships and landing craft from the Sicilian port of Augusta (which had become a "major allied naval base") ...which is on the line.

Land and sea battles between the Romans and the Carthaginians took place along this line during the Punic Wars.

On May 12 2017 Hirono Town (Fukushima Prefecture), which had been temporarily evacuated in its entirety after the tsunami-caused accidents at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) in March 2011, announced that the returnees to the town are now at a level of 79.1 percent of the original population,

Hirono is exactly on the Gobekli Tepe latitude line.

Lydia's picture
Oh, Ancient Aliens...what a

Oh, Ancient Aliens...what a joy that show was.


Attach Image/Video?: 

arakish's picture
And here is the version I


And here is the version I made for my book.



Attach Image/Video?: 

Lydia's picture
hahah oh my, love it! Is the

hahah oh my, love it! Is the first from Star Trek??

arakish's picture
Yep. A Kazan from Star Trek:

Yep. A Kazan from Star Trek: Voyager. When I first saw one, it immediately made me think of Giorgio Tsoukalos.


SeniorCitizen007's picture
National Geographic

National Geographic documentary about Gobekli Tepe (no aliens or other "funny" stuff!)

The latitude determines what constellations are visible and how they behave.

A proto-civilisation would perhaps seek out sites on the same latitude as where they came from.

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