Build a God workshop

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Jared Alesi's picture
Build a God workshop

Fun project guys! Try and imagine your very own supreme deity. They can have any and all attributes. The more mutually exclusive and confusing, the better! Want an immortal, but also suicidal deity like some fucked up Deadpool? Go ahead!

For mine, I think I'll go with the omnipotence trait taken from Thoth of Egyptian myth, confusing 'benevolence' trait from genies in lamps, transcendence of death from The Simpson's refusal to end production, manufacturing of wine from Dionysus, pacifism from Buddha, poverty from his own alcoholism, and water walking from some lizard. Thinking about calling him Jesus, but the name is tentative.

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chimp3's picture
Does not fuck with innocents!

Does not fuck with innocents! Spends eternity gratifying it's most base pleasures. Leaves the rest of us alone ( to pursue our own base pleasures).

Grinseed's picture
To be honest, because there

To be honest, because there has been constant ongoing work and redesign on the Jesus model for the past 2,000 years I think it would not hurt to have a kick of the tyres and a look under the bonnet and have a fiddle with the bits and pieces.

Afterall there has to be some positive aspects worth saving from a religious brand with such a surprisingly long shelf life. Lets face it this particular part of the Jehovah workshop has been left wide open and poorly managed and unfortunately taken over by various bunches of fanatics from time to time who have drifted away from the original saviour concept and overlooked the needs of your average believer in the street and have been left free to fashion some of the weirdest, dysfunctional and down right dangerous delusions, that have only survived because they are mixed in with the better, less emphasised, yet admirable features.

OK so lets have a look. Well obviously at the heart of all the Jehovah products, like the Jesus model, is the monstrous duality good and evil drive, which you don't find in the popular Asian lines, which makes one ask why have it at all. You need only look at the mileage one gets from the Budda marque, it just goes on and on and on, without any complaint of naughtiness. Perhaps the Individual Freedom drive might be a better choice.

Removing the duality drive means the Lucifer transmission is no longer needed. This component has been a devil of a problem, creating demons where none are needed or even actual exist, which only heats up the whole shebang, impedes the rate of progress and frankly is a leading cause of fatalities when the keyword in this whole game is safety and saving lives, yeah? So in the bin with that.

This of course leads to removing the disreputable Hades muffler which has defied all claims as to its proficiency. It has always run loudly, amplifying rather than dampening. Tests have shown the Jesus runs whisper quiet without it but unreasonable revheads and doomsayers have demanded its inclusion and that those who oppose can just go to hell.

Next, the Trinity manifold...what can one say...the proverbial philosophic engineered nightmare. Its a feature that had to have been invented by committee. This should definitely be removed if only to stop the Jewish and Islamic belly laughs. Theres contention that the whole rig would run perfectly well with the Unitary manifold which is simplicity itself but there are some who feel the Paternal model with the Father/Son gasket feed feature lets everything run like Christmas.

The Holy Spirit wiring and electricals are not the quality one expects to find with an omnipotent design like the Jesus. It is unobtrusive to say the least, but for performance, one can be forgiven doubting it's really there. So in defiance of Jesus component policy I would be inclined to replace it with something more dynamic like the Jeddi Force system, unforgivable as that might seem.

The Absolute Morality steering system is another problem. The overly-complicated spriritual hydraulics tends to make the user veer off in directions unintended on the road to Perdition and again is a recognised life threatening hazard. Better to replace this with the Pagan Judgement direct steering linkage, where the user can just go where ever they are tempted to go. I'd still be inclined to include a printed 'consequences warning' label, old fuddy duddy that I am.

So much more to cover, but this thread is not infinite. However I would just like to add a complaint about the warranty for the Jesus.
Its implied that everyone is covered for eternity, but only if one follows the directions and advice of the handbook which is way too long and complicated, full of antiquated jargon, contradicitons and hard to follow instructions and barely fits the glove compartment. My point is, that the eternal warranty and the ability to satisfy the terms of that warranty are bloody impossible to achieve.

With all its current problems if this religion was a car, frankly I would go back to walking.

Tin-Man's picture
HO-LY shit, Grinseed... THAT

HO-LY shit, Grinseed... THAT was fucking AWE-SOME! Bravo! Bravo!...*standind ovation*....*clap-clap-clap*...

Edit to add: No kidding, man, that was an absolute pleasure to read. Damn impressive.

Grinseed's picture
Thanks, and coming from the

Thanks, and coming from the Tin-Man with the Golden Keyboard who is a versatile writer himself both for serious instructional and whacky nonsense, I am flattered. Lots of good writers and ideas people here in the AR.

Jared Alesi's picture
Christ, with writing skill

Christ, with writing skill and wit like that, Colbert's writers should be worried! Hell, that beats the tar out of any comedy show I've ever seen. Bravo man, bravo.

algebe's picture
For my basic template, I'd

For my basic template, I'd use the sun goddess Amaterasu. We've had too many millennia of blundering, murderous male supreme beings with foreskin fetishes, and I think in the 21st century it's time we had a female sky-CEO. And of course, Amaterasu is very hot. I'd also incorporate the powers of Inari, the god of fertility, rice, tea, sake and agriculture, because I like the variety of sushi named after him. And we should also stir in some of the characteristics of Ama-no-Uzume, the stripper-deity and goddess of the dawn and parties.

Peurii's picture
If I was to believe, it would

If I was to believe, it would be the neoplatonic Demiurge idea combined with a bit of satanism and buddhism. There the true God is on the trancendental level of pure ideas, and the decaying material world is just a bastardisation of those ideas by the evil or incompetent Demiurge, that creates the imperfect material world because it is incapable of understanding the ideas, and wants to make them concrete. As such everything is connected to the world of ideas, but is just a pale image of it, thus explaining the problem of evil, morals, ontology and epistemology.

I would combine that with the satanist idea of Lucifer, the first of the angels created by the Demiurge, as the promethean bringer of light and knowledge to humanity, who wants humans to know the evilness and incompetence of the Demiurge, not for his own gain, but for the pureness of his heart. So Lucifer wants to connect, and return, humans not to the material world of the Demiurge, but to the idea world of the true trancendental God, where change and individuality do not exist.

The Demiurge wants us to indulge in hedonistic pleasures the fleeting material world, as opposed to Lucifer who wants us to abstain from pleasure, develop our intellect and mediatate on ideas, so that in death we might return into the idea world, and not be born again into the world of change and pain.

Sky Pilot's picture
The whole purpose of being a

The whole purpose of being a god is to have people be completely obedient and loyal to you. So you make them do all sorts of silly and evil acts to prove that they are completely loyal and obedient to you. Now, since you are a real deal god it doesn't matter if you command them to slaughter 100 babies and eat their corpses. If they believe in you they will do it. And since you are God you can easily resurrect the babies and give them wonderful lives if they were real and not just delusions to fool the person you were testing. If the person fails your test you can give him other tasks or even show mercy and forgive him.

Remember, if you are a real god then you can screw with people's minds to no end. If they have true free will and know the difference between good and evil the passing grade might be for them to tell the god character to go screw himself and not do the obvious evil acts.

So the worse possible existence is one that has a real god in it. That's because you won't be able to tell the difference between reality and delusion. You would just be a science project in the matrix.

The interesting thing about the biblical fairy tale is that man became as God and now knows the difference between good and evil. So always do the good thing and never the evil thing even if commanded to do so.

Cognostic's picture
Just grab any of the

Just grab any of the Christian versions of God. Find two sticks and shove them up his ass. He will bleed to death before he can make any laws or interfere with us in any way cuz there aint no room for any more sticks up there/

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