Good (cop) family Bad (cop) family

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ImFree's picture
Good (cop) family Bad (cop) family

As an atheist, when you have discussions about religion with your family (especially when they initiate the conversation and your on the defensive), have you become aggravated at an abrasive member of your family and desire to quit talking to that person? Later, does another relative that is less dogmatic but still a theist, contact you and attempt to smooth things over and encourage you and the rude/disrespectful relative to reconnect? To make matters worse, you know the relative is saying disrespectful things behind your back that make you feel uncomfortable at family gatherings.
Do you find this happens over and over through time? Do you begin to wonder what the value is of continuing your relationship with the abrasive relative?

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CyberLN's picture
I don't think the subject of

I don't think the subject of a/theism corners the market on this sort of family dynamic. There are shit disturbers and peace makers in many. ;-)

CyberLN's picture
As to your get

As to your get to make the decision to continue any relationship. I've 'divorced' a number of relatives (for other reasons), felt substantialy better afterward, and never looked back.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
lol at 'divorced'

lol at 'divorced'

yea it is a hard decision really.

I would prove the backstabber wrong of what he is saying behind your back.
I am always open for debate though.
I'm so glad to find a theist to face me directly on his delusions.

"Which part of your delusion do you want to talk about?" is one of my favorite starters :)

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