How many people have you seen convert to fanatics?

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Walker's picture
How many people have you seen convert to fanatics?

I have known a few people in my life who I would not expect to see turned into religious fanatics that dedicate their life to the church. They used to be heavy drinkers, heavy drug users and they seem to find comfort in the words of a church gathering one day and boom....they are turned into zombies just like that.

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DarkLight's picture
Yeah I knew this woman that

Yeah I knew this woman that lost her parents in an accident and then turned into religion. She had a horrible attitude and always did things her way. She kind of thought she was the queen of the world. Then when her parents died and she had made their life hell for a long time. She felt horrible guilt that she has been a bad daughter and turned to religion for comfort. For what it's worth she is now a much better person.

AnimalLeader's picture
Yeah I have seen quite a few

Yeah I have seen quite a few people turn. They are usually people who do a lot of bad things and then they feel the need to repent.

Walker's picture
It seems to be more common

It seems to be more common than I thought.

James's picture
i have seeen to thata are

i have seeen to thata are complet freaky fanatics: one of then got dumped by his girlfriend an he turned into church seeking for comfort and the other one a heavy drug user and now he is clean.

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