I am an Open Teenage Atheist.

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Austin Hodge's picture
I am an Open Teenage Atheist.

So, it seems that a lot of people aren't really "open" about their atheism (why that is, I'll never quite understand). Being a teenager makes coming out as an atheist even harder, as peer pressure is at a peak during this time. But, nonetheless, as other teens are open about their religion, I'm open about my Atheism. While this may get rid of potential friends, it gives me a new potential for atheist friends (so far I've only made one, but it's a start). People say that I'm a sinner, that' I'll rot in hell, or that I'm a Satanist. I even wore a FSM necklace to School and some jock (American Football player) came up to me with his Crucifix necklace and says "You know what this represents?" Of course, I knew he was mocking me and my necklace, so I gave him my honest answer. "Oh, right, isn't that a Roman torture device?" No response.

Anyways, I'm just getting this message out there to any other atheist teenagers on the forums (I know there are at least 2 other than me) that hiding your atheism from others isn't the answer. Be open, never be scared of telling people who you are. If anything, they might just understand and go atheist. If the religious kids throw insults at you, just ignore them, they aren't worth your time if they waste *theirs* throwing insults because of your lack of belief. Be proud of who you are, and ignore the zealot-spawns (as I call them). If no teens see this, then at least I got my story out there )as everyone else on the forum seems to be doing).

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mjfermalino's picture
thank you. i am 19 and still

thank you. i am 19 and still going to school.. i am truely afraid of the output that i may have if ill be open about my views. i am living in the philippines, generated mostly of christians.. 90% of the population are followers of jesus christ and 10% are in with the quran. i dont know what may happen, i might burn out in fire alive, lost friends, left by my family. its just scary for me.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Austin Hodge - "Oh, right,

Austin Hodge - "Oh, right, isn't that a Roman torture device?"

I would have said "yeah it's a graven image", but I like your answer too!

Mark Miranda's picture
I am 17 and an Atheist as

I am 17 and an Atheist as well. It's kinda hard to live when I have everyone who is a Christian around me, my brother is Agnostic and the rest are Christians.

C.G._Cruttenden's picture
We are all your friends on

We are all your friends on here. You have a whole network of atheists, secularists and non-believers right here. You will be surprised as time passes how many people you will influence. Stay positive in the representation of your views. I have a group of about 15 close friends and family. About 10 of which I have discussed theism vs. Atheism with and they have all drawn their own conclusions. Some are openly atheist, some are agnostic, (my mother for example) and some just simply denounce all man made religion. I suggest since you seem to have the balls to step up to the jocks waving Caesar Borgia pinned to a tree like a post-it note in your face then you should look into becoming a street epistemologist. Check out Peter Boghossian book, 'A manual for creating atheists.'

ThePragmatic's picture
I'm reading it right now. He

I'm reading it right now. He makes a lot of sense.
I doubt I will be using "Street epistemology" in the streets (it's not really my thing), but it's still a good read and useful for any kind of discussion regarding unjustified beliefs.

XyberEX's picture
Welcome, Austin.

Welcome, Austin.

Oh I feel old at 29 and just coming out/waking up THIS YEAR. You're more observant to BS than I was at that age.

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