I'm new

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mantos's picture
I'm new

Hello, I am new here. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on what I should do now that I am on Atheist Republic.


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Austin Hodge's picture
If you can't come up with

If you can't come up with anything to write on the Hub or Debate room, I'd suggest just replying to comments that seem interesting to you for now. Hope you enjoy your time here on the Atheist Republic site!

ThePragmatic's picture
Welcome :)

Welcome :)

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forum.

You can either reply to topics that interest you or contribute something that you think is relevant.

You can pm people by clicking on their profile.

If you share any of my interests you are free to pm me anytime.

Anonymous's picture
Michael-We are glad to have

Michael-We are glad to have you here at Atheist Republic. All new members need to go through an initiation.
1. Repeat Heil Mary or Heil Jesus 5 times
2. Praise Allah not 5 but 6 times a day
3. If you are a homosexual-don't tell anybody(try to get counseling )

Michael this is the first phase of initiation-after steps 1-3 the next 25 steps will follow .If you are a "theist" begin" following steps 1-3. If you are an atheist welcome but beware of the creationists as they are scary stupid-------This tiny post is meant to be funny-not serious

Travis Hedglin's picture
Well, I can't really suggest

Well, I can't really suggest what you should do, as that would be a bit too presumptuous of me. Being an atheist, unlike being religious, does not entail any common beliefs or rituals. As such, most of us just post our opinions, thoughts, or questions and talk about things that interest us. If you feel like doing the same, please do. If you don't feel like doing so, don't worry about it, as we aren't a collective that requires anything. You are welcome to share, or not, at your own convenience and desire.

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