Is it ridiculous to"Fake it till you make it"? Or wise?

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Is it ridiculous to"Fake it till you make it"? Or wise?

This post may seem like a rant, but I'd really value your insight. I know I can sweat the small things sometimes, But I strive to be genuine and trustworthy when dealing with people in the workplace. Being genuine can be a challenge when:

1) There are times where I'm in front of a potential client or business partner and during conversation, they might credit their good fortune to the notorious G.O.D.
(Ex. "This happened by the grace of God" or "We Thank God for that") I just don't have it in me to agree so I'd just find a way to deflect it by playing along. Like nodding my head or saying something generic yet charismatic like "absolutely" or "you know it!" Or "there ya go!" Or "you can say that again!" Because I would hate to lose business because they know I'm a non believer.

2) A mentor or boss praises God and gives me that look like they expect me to do the same. It's awkward.

3) Just the other day I read a post here that reminded me of elementary school. Wondering which God we were talking about when saying the pledge of allegiance. NOW literally the other day, I'm at an Award/Dinner/Professional Networking event and they start with the pledge. That's cool. But then a guy took the mic and went on for like 20 minutes off topic about god and religion. I thought it was inappropriate and it even confused some religious people in the room, but nevertheless a huge applause broke out anyway and I'm just there not applauding and trying not to be noticed lol.

So far I've just deflected the conversation, but I don't feel as if that sends the best signal.
You guys reading this are diverse in age and experience so please tell me. Is there a better way to handle religious people in the professional world? Or should I just "Fake it till I make it" as they say?

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algebe's picture
It all depends whether god is

It all depends whether god is important enough to make a fuss over, especially if that might hurt your interests. Religidiots think they'll go to hell if they pray with the wrong sect or sing the wrong type of hymns, but we know it's all crap, so there's no harm in playing along. Besides, even if you told them about atheism, they wouldn't learn anything.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
That's very true. That was

That's very true. That was very helpful. Thanks Algebe.

algebe's picture
If it makes them happy, who

If it makes them happy, who are we to break their toys and take their candy away...

jay-h's picture
This is a key point. Unlike

This is a key point. Unlike people of different religions, I have no fear of being 'contaminated' or offending my god because of interactions with religious nuttery. So I generally do not make a fuss over things like this as long as it's basically passive. (Unlike the Stalin era where the first one to stop applauding was likely the next to be executed)

ImFree's picture
I have always hated the

I have always hated the captive audience "Let's have a prayer" move before a meeting begins or ends. The devoted keep tabs on who bows their head from the corner of their eye. The degree of one's participation is connected to a risk analysis of the work place and what you can afford to lose.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture


chimp3's picture
I work in a health care

I work in a health care institution operated by a religious group. 99% of the work force and clients are Christian. I don't play along but I don't contest. I don't fear anyone knowing I am an atheist but I don't want anyone focusing on me as their pet salvation project either. That would be a holy pain in my ass.

Minimalist's picture
I know how you feel, SSOB,

I know how you feel, SSOB, whenever I see a ballplayer cross home plate after hitting a home run and point up at the sky I think ":you hit the ball, asshole. Not fucking jesus."

Some people can't stand the thought of their own success.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
@minimalist You hit the nail

@minimalist You hit the nail right on the head with that one. By the way, I love your avatar hahaha

Pitar's picture


What you're feeling is a form of consequence that should not exist if your declaration of atheism has been properly assembled in your psyche, and remains armored against your own imagination where slings and arrows are all aimed at you.

I'd carry on and pander to the hopefuls with heaping helpings of the crap they're eliciting from their world. It's inconsequential to you but they absolutely need their meme's survival juice nourishment.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Good point. I haven't really

Good point. I haven't really looked at it like that. I'll consider that for any future situations that should arise. Thanks.

curtisabass's picture
Just remember atheism needs

Just remember atheism needs no martyrs. Gently deflect or join in, it's all the same. Now that I'm retired I don't have to wory about clients and most of the people I associate with know my views. In social situations if a prayer is announced I sit quietly but don't bow my head. Instead I look around for other irreverent individuals. I invariably find one. We usually share a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

chimp3's picture
At my place of work I look

At my place of work I look around and have never seen another to smirk at. I am deep in the Bible Belt. I am able to amuse myself though. I make little sheep noises in my head or think about sex or wine. Something pragmatic.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I wasn't familiar with the

I wasn't familiar with the phrase: "fake it till you make it" but I have to say it does a good job summarizing my view on the matter.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Yeah same. I actually heard

Yeah same. I actually heard it only recently from my office manager, but he was talking about something completely different. Concept still applied though.

pork232's picture
I know how you feel! I feel

I know how you feel! I feel that way too! Today in school a few people were giving a presentation on Slovak history when they started talking about a creator, and how we are all connected, and how a law of attraction exists. Essentially, they said in the law of attraction, if you believe something long and hard enough, it will come true. I totally do not believe this, so I held my tongue. Later, I was talking to a classmate who told me she totally believes in the law of attraction to which I responded, "I hope it's true". I didn't tell her it isn't and I didn't want to start a conflict. Usually, when people talk about anything faith based, I will reply with "it might be true". I will not fully dismiss it, but I will not fully agree. Usually, I feel it gives them the message, and they usually do not continue to do this.

ThePragmatic's picture
pork222 - "Essentially, they

pork222 - "Essentially, they said... ...if you believe something long and hard enough, it will come true."

It's like they're flat out saying: I'm going to pretend it's true, no matter what! I don't care, I'm going to be happy in my bubble even if it kills me and everyone I love!

It boggles the mind... How can people cling to such childish fantasies?

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
When your classmate told you

When your classmate told you that she believes in the law of attraction..You sure she wasn't flirting with you? If that was the case, then I guess your response still works lol.

But yeah we're definitely on the same page with this one. I think your teacher misinterpreted the law of attraction though. It sounds more like a Green Lantern ring that way lol. The way I learned it was different. it's supposed to be like your energy (positive or negative) will attract similar energy and a predicted outcome. So if I am positive and strive for a certain goal. my positivity would put me on the right road towards that goal. It's still kind of questionable though. It wagers everything on faith and that ain't for the Godless.

Beguile's picture
I cannot judge how another

I cannot judge how another individual chooses to live.

After all, I am not a theist.

Darlena S Watson's picture
I tend to be conspiratorial

I tend to be conspiratorial about my responses to comments about prayer and god. I work in an elementary school in By-God, KY, where By God Jehovah apparently lives. The principal allows (or is the culprit) of posting pictures of the universe with verses like, "I have your name carved in the palm of my hand." Every time god is mentioned, I imagine Santa Clause, which adds so much humor to my day. One teacher asked me how I was feeling recently, seemingly genuinely concerned. I said that I was dealing with a headache. She touched my arm and said, "Oh honey, I will pray for you." I touched her arm back in the same manner and said, "Oh honey, if only that would work. I need an aspirin." Wish the world could have seen the look on her face!

I understand you are in the business world, but I have found so much freedom and peace in my life as an atheist. I'm not bound to cause an argument, but I sure like to make them think!

Pitar's picture
In the bible belt.

In the bible belt.

I lived in Shelbyville, KY, just east of Louisville (Lewlv'l). When I was unloading the truck I moved there with a 4-person entourage consisting of a preacher and three of his flock - all women - interrupted me as I was hefting a piece of furniture down my sidewalk to my front door. God just makes'm. He doesn't necessarily make'm smart.

Anyway, he introduced himself as preacher so-and-so, and then introduced his ladies, and then followed it with "Wut church y'all b'long tew?". I replied that I was atheist but if he wanted to wait around to see if my wife would speak with him he could. She was at the store getting groceries at the time and as far as I knew she still believed in gods and such. Before I could finish the offer, though, he was backing down the sidewalk thanking me for my time with each retreating step.

The town had more churches than it had the population to keep them viable, and all of them were pretty old.

My sons went to public schools and my youngest, Dominick, was in elementary school. His school staff called him Dominique. Countless times I corrected them and at one point handed his teacher a piece of paper showing the difference in spelling and pronunciation. But, stupid is as stupid does and he remained Dominique for the duration. My wife humorously quipped one day she'd finally figured out how the "ucky" got into Kentucky.

At the state graveyard in Frankfort gravestones show whole families on opposite sides in the Civil War and in one family all the sons (4) were killed on opposite sides at Shiloh, 2 north, 2 south.

I was not impressed by the average Kentuckian. My first day of work one of the secretaries asked me at noon - "Joe, is you gonna eat you sumthin?" It was all a matter of tongue-biting tolerance for the next 3 years. Not stupid, their exaggerated pride in portraying a southern alliance seemed to be in the air at all times.

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