Just Saying...

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EllieHarris's picture
Just Saying...

"What would atheists consider valid proof of god's existence," is a bit leading don't ya think. It's like asking what would I consider valid proof that aliens gave Jimmy Hoffa an anal probe before he disappeared, there's no reason for me to think about such thing or event other than that someone saw the need to ask me.

Also, if you need to vent about something relating to religion I'd appreciate it if you did so here. If you post a vent (a complete bit of yelling without a visible intent to engage with others of differing views) in the debate area it can come off as unnecessarily harsh or worse.

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Timothy Nimmo's picture
Not so much of a vent, as

Not so much of a vent, as just a story.

We grew up in what I consider to have been a cult. It was hellfire, brimstone, and all centered around 1 charismatic figure. Even though most of my brothers and sisters still consider themselves christians, I had thought all of us (siblings) had grown out of that radicalism.

Well the last year it has come to light that my oldest brother, who is the one I actually get along with best, has slid back into another cultish situation. We live 1000 miles apart, and he recently came for a visit. He brought up the whole thing- why I don't believe and he does. I'm constantly amazed at the contradictory thinking, which was the trajectory of our conversation. That of logic and reason when it suits him, switching over to belief and faith when that's not working out so well for him: Him: "Here are all of the 'reasons' why I believe and why you should too. REASON 1 blah blah blah... REASON 2 If X is true then logically Y and Z... REASON 3 Yadda yadda..." Me: "Here are all of the reasons I think this is the most ridiculous and silly sh!t I have ever heard." Him: "You let logic get in the way. You're overthinking this."

I've found a great way to end these conversations. He of course asked what it would take for me to believe, and said he would pray for this to happen. *SNAP* -That's the sound of the jaws of the trap springing shut.
I said- "I want what Thomas got."
Him- "...Huh?"
Me- "Thomas didn't believe that jesus had risen. So he appeared to him. Then he said go ahead, stick your fingers in the wounds, sit down and watch me eat a meal. I want that. I want jesus to walk into the room in front of a group of people, let me feel up his wounds, eat a meal, then tell me, 'You know your brother's on to something here. And his version of what it's all about is dead on. You need to listen to him and swallow this hook, line, and sinker.' That would get me to believe. So why should Thomas get this, and the rest of us are left hanging? I want that too. Then I'll believe."
Him- "...uh, well it says in the bible that those who believe without seeing are more blessed than those who see then believe."
Me- "I'll settle for a little less blessed and a lot more sure."

CyberLN's picture
Thanks for sharing that..

Thanks for sharing that...great story!

Travis Hedglin's picture
Yes, because posting a rant

Yes, because posting a rant about the excesses and deplorable behavior of religion where the intended audience might be able to read it is stupid. Much better to post it where they will never see it, so they never have to take offense, because nothing is worse than hurting a grown humans fe-fe's.

Also, I like how you framed it as a request, not an actual admission that you will delete such topics, which you did. They break no apparent guideline, there are no rules against such topics, but sure let's just delete them because you don't like them.

No, nevermind, it doesn't matter. Do what you want, as you are going to anyway, and I hope you enjoy the exhilaration you feel from exercising your power. Who cares about peoples expression, after all, because you are the final arbiter of what should be said here. I am sure people will be fine with you filtering what they get to say and hear, even outside the guidelines, because they apparently mean nothing.

Nyarlathotep's picture
For sure. Treading on eggs

For sure. Treading on eggs shells around believers is pointless. The fact that we exist (atheists) is already a slap in their face (from their perspective).

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