My Problems with Christians and Hell

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skepdicks's picture
My Problems with Christians and Hell

There are many faults and contradictions within Christianity, but I think Hell is the biggest problem I have with Christians. An all loving god will let the ignorant burn for eternity because they didn't worship him. I have a BADA** VIDEO BELOW

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Apart from sending you to

Apart from sending you to hell for disagreeing with him on something, the biggest problem I have with the christian god is the christian god. :)

He is the most evil character ever possibly imagined and is depicted as the good guy.

When it is very clear that his actions demonstrate the opposite.

He clearly killed every living creature on earth when he could have chosen to give immortality and no one has to die ever, but live in eternal happiness.
He could have given humans a choice to join him in heaven or stay on earth instead of a deadline(death) to be like his toys.

Creating death itself is an evil action since even a miserable evil human being could have done better.

The funny part is when it comes to forgiveness.

He expects us to forgive every time when he cannot even forgive once!!!!

ThePragmatic's picture
This is a chart of the

This is a chart of the Christian god in comparison of various super villains. I'm sure the chart is not complete yet, but Yahweh is winning without question.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nice chart, i'l bookmark

Nice chart, i'l bookmark


skepdicks's picture
Super entertaining. Thanks

Super entertaining. Thanks for sharing good sir.

kattpee's picture
Trying to et my Christian

Trying to et my Christian friends to see any of these things about religion is like pulling teeth, its easier for them to keep their heads in the clouds and just except it,how weak minded s that, and how sad.

kattpee's picture
Trying to et my Christian

Trying to et my Christian friends to see any of these things about religion is like pulling teeth, its easier for them to keep their heads in the clouds and just except it,how weak minded s that, and how sad.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Most of the time it is much

Most of the time it is much easier to climb a mountain with 1 leg then to reason with a theist.

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