New member - hello all!

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David Gregory's picture
New member - hello all!

Hello all, just introducing myself...

I'm Dave, I'm based in England - that wonderful, fortunate place where atheism/agnosticism is not only the mainstream view, but where the religious are generally viewed with gentle, mocking ridicule. Well that's among the mainstream, at least, as I said - whilst Christianity is gasping its last over here, we do have an ever growing and increasingly vocal Muslim population demanding rights and respect.

I'm still in the transition from the belligerent, strong atheist of my teens and 20s to the mellower, less activist version of my middle age. I no longer really debate with theists (unless one buttonholes me or demands I respect their beliefs), this is mainly because I came to realise that no amount of debate or evidence is effective against people who put their fingers in their ears and sing the 'la la!' song.

But I do like to help people who are escaping the indoctrination of faith, especially those who are just learning to see the beauty of the garden without the need for all them fairies - particularly that big fat one they've been told about.

I look forward to chatting with you.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Welcome to the forum.

Welcome to the forum.

yea theist don't understand that we are already in paradise, considering all the harsh environments out in space.

Theist are close minded because they been brainwashed to see any argument you bring is wrong by definisition, they just need to find the way to show it to you.
You cannot reason with these people.

Capt.Bobfm's picture
Welcome to the site.

Welcome to the site.
England sounds like a fairly nice place.
What are you all doing about the Muslim infestation ?

Timetrooper2099's picture


I am new here to I live in USA and Christians are all over this area. There has been a huge movement of Russian and Ukrainian Christian people and churches pop up in the last 10 plus years. The same at work I am 1 of only 3 people that are atheist that I know of . I myself have been the middle aged none argumentative person. but most days its no biggie to listen to them and see this and that. But some days.

Zaphod's picture
Just wanted to chime in and

Just wanted to chime in and welcome both Gregory and Trooper to the forums.

fact is people can only debate with those who wish to debate what many people fail to notice is that a certain degree of common ground must be found before meaningful debate can ensue. Unfortunately, online most theist we encounter on atheist forums are here not to debate but rather to tell us what to believe of just preach at us. Not all, just most. When they do, they rarely looks at us as a party trying to achieve a mutually better understanding of things, but rather they think we are wrong and they are right and they must prove to us their god is the one true god. this never goes well for them and only sometimes goes well for us.

Anyway, welcome to the sites guys, I look forward to debating or simply chating about whatever comes up. Please don't feel like many theist do on this site we are limited only to discussion about theist and the religious views they hold or their gods. We can really talk or debate about anything. Like the best beer in London, places to vacation, books, movies, science, how to deal with problems raising kids ect.... If you can think about it, it fits the forum guidelines, and you want know what we think about it go ahead bring it up.

David Gregory's picture
Thanks for your replies,

Thanks for your replies, folks.

Yeah, I'm often pretty astonished at the hard time atheists have in the States. At first I kind of assumed I was getting the wrong end of the stick and "surely it can't be that bad", but the more I've spoken with American atheists, the more I understand what a marginalised, discriminated against minority you are. I regularly watch the ACA's Atheist Experience shows and I'm often bewildered by how cagey atheists who call in about 'coming out' to their families have to be - to the extent that their families friggin' disown them(!)

.... REALLY?

Is it really that bad over there? I've heard people say they've been sacked after being 'outed' as atheists. In Europe, that kind of malarkey would end in an industrial tribunal and a sacking for the sacker. Wow, you folks have it hard!

David Gregory's picture
Actually, don't answer here,

Actually, don't answer here, I'll post that as a whole new thread, as I'm genuinely interested in learning the full picture and concerned by the actual implications of it all......

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