Odd but true

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Lmale's picture
Odd but true

You know the whole geocentric solar-system theory.
The bible claiming earth is the centre well its not that far fetched. Sure we arent the centre of the solar-system but technically we are the centre of the observable universe.
Of course everything is techically the centre of the universe i could explain but these guys already went to the effort and saves me typing on this stupid phone lol:
So, odd but its true, if the bible had claimed earth was the centre of the universe instead of claiming earth was the centre of the solar system it would have been technically correct in that single case. I was going to end after correct but realised a book thats around 99.9% wrong needs specifics if you use the word correct lol.

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SonOh1's picture
If god wanted us to know shit

If god wanted us to know shit he could easily share his knowledge at any time in any period of human development and he would make sure we understood it. What's written in the bible is what an illiterate society that had almost no understanding of the universe around them passed down through stories for a few hundred years before it was written in one place. My point is that any understanding or interpretation of the bible is not relevant in any sense or science.
The same goes for the Quran.

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