Out Of touch or in tune?

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boomer47's picture
Out Of touch or in tune?

Couldn't resist posting this, from the huff Post Canada, this morning Friday 28 February

The dear old ditherer, Pope Francis, has urged Catholics to give up trolling for Lent

Is this sign of him being in touch, or does it simply means he listened to a tech savvy nun?

"Pope Francis Urges Catholics To Give Up Trolling For Lent
Offensive and harmful words are amplified by the internet, he says."


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Mikhael's picture
... trying. Too. Hard.

... trying. Too. Hard.

How about they give up child abuse

LogicFTW's picture
The pope is apparently sick

The pope is apparently sick with flu like symptoms, and is canceling all future traveling and staying home.

I guess the guy realizes he has no special benefits being the pope when it comes to disease.

boomer47's picture


"The pope is apparently sick with flu like symptoms, and is canceling all future traveling and staying home."

Sorry to learn that. If he dies, his successor is more likely l to be like the previous two, I think.

It is my impression is the the Church will continue to fiddle, many of its clergy to diddle, as it becomes more irrelevant with each year.

Can you imagine the hysteria if he dies from coronavirus? --The catholics will call him a saint. The evangelicals will gloat and preen in the schadenfreude of which they are so fond.

NewSkeptic's picture
Well, I at least am praying

Well, I at least am praying for him.

Cognostic's picture
Tim Minchin Says It Best:
boomer47's picture


Seems we both like Tim Minchin, a thinking man's comic. I mean ,that ditty contains such subtle and complicated concepts.

I'm also fond of the subtle wit of Kevin Bloody Wilson.

Below "Hey Santa "


Cognostic's picture
Nice. We need one called

Nice. We need one called "Hey Jesus!" Perhaps I can use the tune and write it.
Tim's got one. "I Love Jesus" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0xQcEH7Dqo
Really demonstrates the hypocritical bullshit Christians spew.

boomer47's picture


Love irreverent Xmas tunes. Fuck 'em. First they steal the winter equinox, then they trivialise it with the tackiest and most extreme form of cringe worthy commercialism .

Australia still insists on celebrating Xmas with Santa and all that other Northern hemisphere shit. Xmas day here is often 90F+ . At least we are slowly getting rid of the stultifying hot Xmas lunch with pudding in favour of the cold buffet, with perhaps ice cream cake and or cheesecake .

Below a couple of Xmas ditties of which I'm rather fond:

"Who put the dick on the snowman?"


--and what is described as "The most offensive song ever" from South Park. Yeah ,it's a bit ripe, but as a skeptic I try to avoid superlatives. (the single exception being discussing blow jobs, which is apropos) )


Cognostic's picture
@cranky47: Great choices. I

@cranky47: Great choices. I always liked, "Grandma got run over by a reindeer."

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