Poetry from an atheist (not Atheist Poetry)

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cmallen's picture
Poetry from an atheist (not Atheist Poetry)

Got a poetry piece published today, if anyone's interested.


February 18th entry titled 'My Hands'.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Read your poem, it is not bad

Read your poem, it is not bad, it seems to try and bring memories and emotions with every line.

your mistake of spelling poetry as "peotry" made me think that you were thinking about "peodophiles" :)

cmallen's picture
Ouch, that was unintended.

Ouch, that was unintended. Weird thing is, I use misspellings intentionally in much of my work, but this one was purely a typo.

CyberLN's picture
cm, thank you for sharing

cm, thank you for sharing this. I hear the angst. Your time and experiences in the military seem to have had a profound impact on your life. Being a soldier is a tough job. Thank you for doing it. Thank you for holding your comrades in their final hours. The gift of doing that is huge. I hope you are able to accept my thanks for it. I don't know the people you helped, but as a fellow human, I get its import. If nothing else, as a mother, I sincerely thank you for that human touch and hope that my children get the same gift from one like you.

cmallen's picture
Thanks for the comment. You

Thanks for the comment. You know, I didn't even realize until you pointed it out that I devoted more of that piece to combat than to any other single theme. I was going for a synecdoche, offering my hands as a sole description of who I am. Suggesting we may think we are more than the sum of our parts, but why do we have to be when our parts are pretty awesome as they are. I don't know, something like that.

CyberLN's picture
I did get that, cm. you

I did get that, cm. you succeeded. Although I appreciate its entirety, bits of any art (verse, music, sculpture, etc.) will frequently stand out as they pull at strings belonging to the experiencer of it. You described one of your greatest parts that was offered to others via your hands. The nice thing about art is that it is participatory. You got something out of writing it and I got something out or reading it.

cmallen's picture
"The nice thing about art is

"The nice thing about art is that it is participatory. You got something out of writing it and I got something out or reading it."

A sentiment we share. Thanks again.

mdeepm's picture
Very beautiful.

Very beautiful.

cmallen's picture
Thank you for that.

Thank you for that.

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