tolerance gone too far

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SAM4191's picture
tolerance gone too far

I am from germany and I never thought something like this could happen.
Currently I am participant in a school like job preparing measure.
It's from the so called Diakonie which is an institute from the protestant church (98% financed from state).

In my "school" there is a fundamentalist moslem, I would even call him an islamist.
He doen't get violent but he is very agressiv most of the time.
He tells everyone that the qur'an is the true word of allah and everyone has to follow it.
For ramadan he states that everyone who doesn't fast will be punished by allah.
And to top that, he calls it his duty as a moslem to do so.
He also said the following: ,,I would liked to participate in the Pogrom Night of 1938. The Jews deserve it!"
Which is a really sensitive topic in my country.
Yet he called me a nazi a few days ago.

I know there are many stupid people and he is just one of them.
The real problem is, that everytime I tell him, that he has to stop talking like that, I am told I have to tolerate his believes.
My question is: WHY?
and the next question is: How am I supposed to be a reasonable person when it is forbidden to say anything against religion?

And if someone knows a place, maybe from the government, which I can talk to, please tell me.

edit: I forgot to mention that he told me, he knows many who would not be as kind as him and I have to be cautious what I am saying. Seems like a threat.

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watchman's picture
"....everytime I tell him,

"....everytime I tell him, that he has to stop talking like that, I am told I have to tolerate his believes."...

My question is "who tells you that you have to tolerate his beliefs..." ? .and why does he not have to respect your views.? doesn't Germany have laws regarding glorification of Nazi,ism .... and Anti-Semitism.?

Is your school part of the state education system...or an independent Muslim school...?

If its a state run institution ...mention your concerns to the administration.... If its a private Muslim based set up...I'd recommend extreme caution with mentioning this to anyone within the organisation..... the police could be an option...but I'm not aware of the ins and outs of German police procedures... so am unable to recommend a course of action.

SAM4191's picture
The "leaders" of the measure,

The "leaders" of the measure, where I am a pupil, are telling me that.

We have the law that forbids denying the holocaust, nothing else about that.
The school has nothing to do with islam. It's part of a christian institute but is funded by the state.

watchman's picture
Found this :

Found this :

"(3) Whoever publicly, or at a meeting, denies, diminishes, or approves an act committed under the regime of National Socialism, of the kind described in Article 220A, paragraph 2, in a way likely to disturb the public peace…."
Punishment according to the law:
The 1985 Law: Up to one year in prison or a fine
The 1994 Law: Up to five years in prison or a fine"


SAM4191's picture
Thanks, I didn't know that.

Thanks, I didn't know that.
I guess it was not "in a way likely to disturb the public peace"

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
My suggestion is report the

My suggestion is report the guy, do not talk to him if possible.

Those people will not see reason.

In my opinion, he has the right to have his belief/opinion, what he does not have the right to, is to preach it in public areas that could disturb the peace as pragmatic so nicely described it.

SAM4191's picture

Exactly my opinion.
I will try to speak with someone else tomorrow.

science's picture
With all these ever loving

With all these ever loving Gods, why do I keep hearing the word " punished." God is not supposed to want to punish anybody...He LOVES everybody!! Why are theists so afraid of Him...what kind of God is that?!

Nordic Fox's picture
It's sado-masochism, really.

It's sado-masochism, really. Theists are like the people who are into BDSM:

"I know I'm loved, because the pain and torture that are inflicted upon me tell me that I'm loved!"

....Personally, I'd prefer a beautiful goddess who invokes only nice feelings and healing or something lol, but we know that doesn't exist, either! ....Shame.

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