Dawkins problem with miracles .

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abdrauf786's picture
Dawkins problem with miracles .

Here my muslim brothers from London Dawah Movement are explaining Dawkins problem with miracles .

Watch it please.

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watchman's picture


What you got is two cockney ,2nd generation Pakistani guys.....taking issue with one of the worlds most respected and highest ranking evolutionary biologists ...... over the possible existence or not of a talking winged quadruped (bigger than a donkey but smaller than a mule) with the head of a man ...and the ability to fly....

Well...lots of luck with that....

You might want to look up some basic facts on aerodynamics and try to work out the wing span required to lift this beast...not to mention the size of the muscle groups required to drive said wings...

I'll make no mention of the talking ants.....except to point out that the ability to communicate is not conflated with talking....

abdrauf786's picture
If you believe in life

If you believe in life starting from non living matter , why cant you believe this ?

abdrauf786's picture
You cant believe in buraq

You cant believe in buraq but you believe in flying dinosaurs dont you ? :P

ThePragmatic's picture
LoL! Lets all hold our

LoL! :D
Lets all hold our breaths while we wait for fossil remains of a Buraq to be found.

Most of "us" also don't believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, Unicorns, Chimera, Centaurs, Trolls, Ghouls, Mermaids, Hippocampus or Pegaus.

Why would we believe that there have been flying dinosaurs? Hmm.


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watchman's picture


If you believe that you know what it is that I believe ,then why don't you take a stab at guessing why I can't believe your Arabian Nights tales.

Just what is it that makes your stories impossible. ?

Go on.....I dare you..........take a step back from your conditioning and think

abdrauf786's picture
I am sorry , i read many

I am sorry , i read many articles today and decied to read more . It makes sense but i jave few doubts i've posted it as a new question in 'debate room' pls help

chimp3's picture
That is easier than having

That is easier than having enough tenacity to respond to those who respond to you.

chimp3's picture
That debunking of Dawkins was

That debunking of Dawkins was lame and illogical. The London group is trying to revise the debates of the iron age into digital format. Abdul Rauf Bin Jamal , The earth is round and consists of a single sphere. Not separate overlapping spheres of earth ,water , air , and fire. We have progressed but some want to move backwards into ignorance.

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