Faith vs. Proof

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mislam's picture
Faith vs. Proof

I was visiting IMDb (Internet Movie Database) this morning to take part in the message boards about the Zeitgeist movie. Part one of which attempts to show that Christianity is a myth built upon preceding myths.

One of the discussion threads was titled - “Part I is mostly a fabricated lie.”

Obviously the OP is a Christian. When he was called out about his bias and that there is absolutely no proof that Jesus existed his response included the following -
“So until you show me video surveillance of all of Israel from the first century showing that Jesus did not exist, I'm going to believe that he did.”

I’ve never been dumbfounded before.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Many seem to choose to live

Many seem to choose to live in a bubble. Even though they partially know it's a lie.

About the Zeitgeist movie, if I remember correctly, it's essentially a baseless smearing of Christianity. I recommend using a healthy dose of scepticism while watching it.

mislam's picture
Yeah, I know, it's just fun

Yeah, I know, it's just fun to see the theists having apoplectic fits :)

watchman's picture
@ mislam ....

@ mislam ....

I know what you mean .........over the years I've been stunned into silence several times by the sheer stupidity of believers ......

and oddly enough I had one of these only a few days ago .... check this one out.....


'Trust God no matter what': Pastor and wife previously deemed barren now proud parents of triplet boys, plus 2 other kids.....

When I read this I thought ,"Wow.....this is the Almighty really "cooking with gas"....

I mean...."triplets AND 2 other kids".....well...I had to read on.....

"...pastor and New Testament scholar Jeremiah Johnston announced last July 8 that his wife Audrey has given birth to triplet boys at the Texas Children's Pavilion for Women in Houston, Texas. The new arrivals in the Johnston family are Ryder, who weighed in at 3.8 pounds, Abel, 4.6 pounds, and Jaxson, 5.5 pounds,...."

"What made the births special was that doctors had earlier told the couple that they could not conceive."

There you go....real "a Abraham and Sarah story".....

The article goes on......

"But the couple held on to their faith and trusted that God, not the doctors, would have the final say on the matter,"

There it is......God not the doctors to have the final say....

Well , was I going to have to readjust my views....burn my copies of Dawkins and Hitchens .....

Well...not actually...... the next paragraphs have the answers....

"With the help of in vitro fertilisation and lots of prayer, the Johnstons are now the parents of five children. Before Audrey gave birth to the three boys, the couple also celebrated this year the seventh birthday of their daughter, Lily Faith, and fourth birthday of their son, Justin.

In vitro fertilisation, or the manual joining of an egg and sperm, is considered the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Johnston credited his wife's strong faith for the blessings they have received from God. "

Now I don't want to come across as callous ... and I can empathise with the feelings of despair that being in this situation could inflict on a couple..........


having had a child 7 years ago using fertility treatment....then repeating the process 4 years ago ,equally successfully ....then finally their most recent bout of fertility treatment ,producing triplets..... surely they must realize that it was the doctors ,and the very expensive treatments that produced the pregnancies and not their supposed deity......(which ,incidently ,if it were real would have been responsible for the wife's infertility in the first place....)

But no....its all down to God......obviously....


mislam's picture
@ watchman

@ watchman
I followed the link; the web page also has a video of a soul leaving a body in a chinese hospital. Says it all really.

algebe's picture
You couldn't obtain video

You couldn't obtain video surveillance of all of Israel in the 21st century, let alone the first. Even you could, the faith-blinded christian would refuse to accept the evidence of his own eyes. Religious faith is by definition the rejection of evidence. You can't argue with that.

Dave Matson's picture
The dude can believe whatever

The dude can believe whatever he likes, including a flat earth if that tickles him, but if he wants us to take him seriously then he had better serve up some solid evidence and good reasoning. Otherwise, we'll just have a good laugh and move on to the next item.

Eirahcaz's picture
A belief is just that, a

A belief is just that, a belief, you can believe in what you want, but it depends, if you do violent stuff in the name of the what we call ''The Big Boss'' of this belief, it just proves that you're in fact not secure enough in this belief to let other people have their own beliefs.

This is why I am an atheist, I don't need a superior being to forgive myself from my mistakes, I don't need a book to hide because I believe any person in this world can do the best and worst things. All we gotta do is stick-it up and help the folks we care about, not because they are just like us Atheists or are a part of a cult like Christianity, Mormons, Scientologists etc. but because they are just like all of us and all of them as well, human beings.

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