Freedom of choice and uncertainties at a price

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mykcob4's picture
Freedom of choice and uncertainties at a price

A person comes up to you and says you may choose either hand but only one hand that I present to you. You may have whatever is in that hand but not what is in the other.
He presents both hands. The left is palm up and open. In the hand are several coins that amount to about $10.00.
The other hand is palm down and clenched in a fist.
He says it is your choice. But I will tell you that if you choose the fist there is a miracle of eternal life.

The man says the $10.00 worth of coins comes with no obligations. They are just coins.

The miracle in the fist comes at a price. The price is your blind obedience, your undying loyalty, the same for all your children and their children, and the loss of freedom of thought. If you choose the miracle you must do what I say, when I say to do it, where I say to do it, and to whom I say to do it to. And you will have to guess what my decree is. It will not be clear or made clear. I will give you a book to help you but that will only serve to confuse you even more. I will send messengers to help you but they will direct you to do their bidding, not mine. If you fail my wishes you will burn and suffer forever.

Which would you choose?

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chimp3's picture
Easy! Take the ten and see if

Easy! Take the ten and see if this asshole is stupid enough to go double or nothing.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
The $10.00

The $10.00

chimp3's picture
John: Would you tithe $1 ? I

John: Would you tithe $1 ? I would not!

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I give my tithes to random

I give my tithes to the poor. Not traditional, but still Biblical.

chimp3's picture
Excellent. We have common

Excellent. We have common ground. Charity is something all of us have in common. Does not require deity!

curious's picture
I think the OP is a bit more

I think the OP is a bit more than reality. "the loss of freedom of thought" is actually incorrect. With the birth of Islam so too born the thinkers who peruse the world and the universe. Again about "miracles". We are told of miracles but miracles have never been the Islamic theme, we just don't do miracles.

But for the sake of argument I would pick the unseen, it is because my curiosity nature. Beside $10 is not really much really. So yeah, the clenched fist it is.

mykcob4's picture

So you'd sell your freedom just because you are curious about what is in the hand? Stupid, very stupid! Everybody knows that has half a brain that there is absolutely NOTHING in that fist, and that is the fucking point!

curious's picture

But the clenched fist is not empty according to OP, it came with eternal life attached to it. So from balancing the weight the $10 is unattractive compare to it's opponent.

The view being upheld by the majority of theist of the world is the eternal life. That is the fact here.

mykcob4's picture

Oh yes, it is a "promise" of eternal life.
So consider this. If someone promises you something but fails to reveal it to you DON'T BELIEVE THE PROMISE!
PLUS you have to obey this asshole for life, your eternal life if you pick the fist!

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