Genius Edward Witten, could he help intensify artificial intelligence?

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ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Genius Edward Witten, could he help intensify artificial intelligence?



Part A - Artificial Intelligence and human-kind, in 2 sentences.

Hey, I am the inventor of ‘non-beliefism’, a paradigm that underlines science’s great importance, and rejects the concept of belief (not merely rejection of religious belief, but rejection of belief in anything altogether — as belief by definition opposes science, especially concerning non-evidence).

Artificial Intelligence is unavoidably exceeding humans in cognitive tasks, and some projections observe human level brain power in artificial machines/software by at least 2020 (Wikipedia exascale computing source).

Artificial Intelligence is already solving many of human kind's problems; artificial general Intelligence likely need be human kind's last universally important invention.







Part B - Crucial difference between Edward and Tegmark

Edward Witten is quite the human being/physicist.

Max Tegmark is also, quite the human/cosmologist.

Both have phd physics degrees.

The urgent difference?

(1) Max presents consciousness as a mathematical problem... Although Max Tegmark is not an artificial intelligence pioneer nor is officially trained as an artificial intelligence researcher, Max is already contributing important work, helping to organize the theory of deep learning (A hot paradigm in Artificial Intelligence now).

A sample of Max's AI work:

Max describing consciousness as a mathematical problem:

(2) Edward Witten believes we will never truly understand consciousness...







Part C - How components approached by Edward's genius applies in AI today

Edward Witten's work concerns some deep stuff on manifolds. (Sample:

In artificial intelligence, models are observed to be doing some form of manifold representation, especially in the euclidean regime. (And are already demonstrated to be strong candidates for 'disentangling problems' of which many problem spaces occur)

As an unofficial AI researcher myself, I am working on AI, as it relates to super-manifolds.(I recently invented something called 'thought curvature', involving yet another invention of mine called the 'supermanifold hypothesis in deep learning', built atop Yoshua Bengio's manifold work)

So I happen to have a brief, concise description somewhere, where manifolds are shown to non-trivially relate to artificial intelligence (you can see also Deep Learning book by bengio, or Chris Olah's manifold explanation):







Some months ago, I had personally contacted Witten, advising him that his genius could apply in AI. (No response though)

Why does Edward Witten allow his belief (as shown in the video above) to block himself from possibly considerably contributing to artificial intelligence, one of human-kind's most profound tools, even despite contrasting evidence that manifolds apply in machine learning?


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Nyarlathotep's picture
Are you still smoking crack

Are you still smoking crack while you do calculus?

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Are you still smoking crack

Nyarlathotep: "Are you still smoking crack while you do calculus?"

Your cross post content above, is a off topic.

Anyway, I see that you still refuse to observe clearly, my invention in relation to trigonometry and calculus.

Here is the same content, but instead, via research-gate:



I am a body builder, see me here:
So, no, I don't smoke crack, data shows that doesn't do well for bodies.

Nyarlathotep's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan - Here

ProgrammingGodJordan - Here is the same content, but instead, via research-gate:

You posting the same non-sense to two different sites don't change the fact that it is non-sense.

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
Nyarlathotep - You posting

Nyarlathotep - You posting the same non-sense to two different sites don't change the fact that it is non-sense

I was simply stating the name of the website upon which the content was posted.
Anyway, contrary to your feelings, Calculus is non-nonsense.



Any critical thoughts on the original post today, that you selected to respond irrelevantly to though?

Nyarlathotep's picture
ProgrammingGodJordan -

ProgrammingGodJordan - contrary to your feelings, Calculus is non-nonsense.

Fucking nasty strawman.

xenoview's picture

Yes, I agree that AI's are getting smarter. MIT's artificial intelligence passes key Turing test
Can the new artificial intelligence system fool your senses?

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture

Yes, I agree that AI's are getting smarter. MIT's artificial intelligence passes key Turing test
Can the new artificial intelligence system fool your senses?

Yes, AI is unavoidably getting smarter...

chimp3's picture
AI - Still no smarter than an

AI - Still no smarter than an insect.

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture
chimp3: AI - Still no smarter

chimp3: AI - Still no smarter than an insect.

Not precisely.

Here are a sequence cognitive fields/tasks, where sophisticated ARTIFICIAL neural models EXCEED human-kind:

1) Language translation (eg: Skype 50+ languages)
2) Legal-conflict-resolution (eg: 'Watson')
3) Self-driving (eg: 'OTTO-Self Driving' )
5) Disease diagnosis (eg: 'Watson')
6) Medicinal drug prescription (eg: 'Watson')
7) Visual Product Sorting (eg: 'Amazon Corrigon' )
8) Help Desk Assistance ('eg: Digital Genius)
9) Mechanical Cucumber Sorting (eg: 'Makoto's Cucumber Sorter')
10) Financial Analysis (eg: 'SigFig')
11) E-Discovery Law (eg: ' Social Science Research Network.')
12) Anesthesiology (eg: 'SedaSys')
13) Music composition (eg: 'Emily')
14) Go (eg: 'Alpha Go')
n) etc, etc

Will artificial intelligence take your job?:

Humans need not apply:

The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn:

chimp3's picture
@PGJ: "Some months ago, I had

@PGJ: "Some months ago, I had personally contacted Witten, advising him that his genius could apply in AI. (No response though)"

If you were a legitimate scientist would you answer your own letters/emails?

ProgrammingGodJordan's picture

@PGJ: "Some months ago, I had personally contacted Witten, advising him that his genius could apply in AI. (No response though)"

If you were a legitimate scientist would you answer your own letters/emails?

It is not that he fails to do as I merely suggest, but largely, that he clearly expresses his beliefs that consciousness is likely forever mysterious.

As said in original post, he clearly expressed his belief, with respect to consciousness, that it would very likely never be unraveled. (unlike Max Tegmark, who although like Witten is not a trained artificial intelligence researcher, in contrast presents consciousness as a mathematical problem, and has already presented important work with respect to machine learning)

gptnederlands's picture
Edward Witten's brilliance in

Edward Witten's brilliance in the realm of physics is undeniable, but it's interesting to ponder whether his expertise could also be channeled towards intensifying the development of artificial intelligence. As we witness AI surpassing human capabilities in cognitive tasks, and with the potential for human-level AI on the horizon, the collaboration of brilliant minds like Witten's could prove invaluable in advancing this transformative technology. It's curious to note the contrast with Max Tegmark, who, despite not being an AI pioneer, actively contributes to AI theory, highlighting the convergence of fields and the potential for cross-disciplinary contributions in shaping the future of artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT (

jeremi's picture
I would like to disagree, but

I would like to disagree, but you speak the truth!

YeonHwaLyn's picture
With his genius, Edward

With his genius, Edward Witten is fully capable of making significant contributions to the advancement of AI. However, his specific role needs to be clarified more clearly in the content of the article. Besides appreciation, the article also needs to have an objective view, avoiding over-exaggeration of an individual's influence.

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