God used Evolution to create Man

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Paul Gardner's picture
God used Evolution to create Man

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The OP is welcome to link to the source material if the OP want to debate it.

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arakish's picture
Brevity dude. And quit using

Brevity dude. And quit using that funky symbol...

Otherwise, >P


David Killens's picture
Umm, wow, all the OP is doing

Umm, wow, all the OP is doing is picking and choosing passages that support his position.

This is a very weak attempt to fit some passages from the bible into current scientific theories.

So one must have a soul to have free will, and it is linked to the level of intelligence? Even cockroaches have free will.


I respectfully disagree with the OP.

Cognostic's picture
OP: God used Evolution to

OP: God used Evolution to create Man

LOL: How do you even get there without first proving there is a God.

Sheldon's picture
Occam's razor applies.

Occam's razor applies. Evolution is an objective fact, deities using magic is not, unless someone can demonstrate objective evidence for a deity or deities. So it's the magic using deity that gets shaved off.

Cognostic's picture
Hitchens Razor asserts "That

Hitchens Razor asserts "That which can be asserted without evidence can be rejected without evidence.

Why would anyone ever want to remove you from the forum Sheldon. I personally love your posts.

Tin-Man's picture
Hola, everybody! Juan Upsman

Hola, everybody! Juan Upsman here! Long time lurker, first time poster! Now, I know this may be none of my business, but I have it on good authority that the Tin-Man dude heard it from a reliable source who once read somewhere on the internet that the Cog fellow has been slinging all sorts of poo and making a bunch of ad hominy and ad hoc-a-loogie attacks about that incredibly sweet and wonderful and wizard-minded young man called Sheldon. Again, I hope I am not out of line for bringing this to everybody's attention. I just believe it is a darn-tootin' shame to hear about such horrible things that somebody else said they were told about by somebody who read something somewhere. What is this world coming to?

algebe's picture
Evolution used man to create

Evolution used man to create gods.

It got lots of other things wrong, too. For example, it gave us accident-prone appendixes, overly complex but under-powered sensory organs, and committee-designed sex organs. But of all the manufacturing defects, the god delusion is the most harmful by far.

Cognostic's picture
Dear Mr. John Upman.

Dear Mr. John Upman.
We are well aware of the insane ramblings of Mr. Cognostic. He has eluded capture for years by bounding from one internet location to another, posting on atheist forum after atheist forum, sometimes posing as a Christian and sometimes as an Atheist. At times lucid and prolific while being outright bizarre on other occasions. Tracking this monster down has been a real task for us. All we know is that he likes bananas, bent or straight. Dear Mr. Juan Upman, be afraid..... Be very afraid...... Cog has been known to go ape and bad things happen when the poo begins to fling.


Sum Ting Wong
Ape Historian
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