from the horses mouth......

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BAACKJD's picture
from the horses mouth......

Encouraging news strait from the horses mouth.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
I think Sam is right, that

I think Sam is right, that the churches have really dropped the ball. Of course unlike Sam, I'm hoping they continue to double down on the crazy instead of listening to Sam's warnings.

ImFree's picture
I like good news : )

I like good news : )

Minimalist's picture
Looking forward to the day

Looking forward to the day when politicians stop kissing their holy asses.

ThePragmatic's picture
I blame the Internetz

I blame the Internetz

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
That was a good read! Thanks

That was a good read! Thanks JB!

algebe's picture
I'm glad to say this fellow's

I'm glad to say this fellow's arguments will be just a cry in the wilderness. The Christian church is built on bed of lies and controlled by power freaks who enjoy the power, prestige, and wealth that comes with their positions too much to ever want to change anything. I heard similar laments back in the 60s and 70s. Christianity was becoming irrelevant. Churches were empty. But they found the answer. The guitar. They stopped playing organs and starting getting people who looked like the Osmonds to sing jaunty new pop hymns. That really inspired the teenagers of my generation to stay away.

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