How do YOU kill spambots?

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Sushisnake's picture
How do YOU kill spambots?

Boiling? Baking? Or just neglect them?

Not really looking for a debate, I just wish they'd fuck off.

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Sheldon's picture
I'd advise you laugh at their

I'd advise you laugh at their crassly stupid claims, and the way they think revelling in their own stupidity is an impressive way to expend their time. It never fails to put a smile on my face, because I know they will never provoke me in the way they want.

Also I have found that questioning things I accept as true is a good thing, even if it is a moronic troll that is the catalyst. If I can't offer a compelling response to claims as ill-informed as the trolls offer then I'd have to wonder why, and this helps me to think more carefully about my responses. It has often made them very angry when instead of provoking people their trolling produces a reasonable exchange between others, and I think it is always the best response to ignorant trolling.

Or you could tell them to fuck off of course, but I suspect that they will be tumescent at that response, hiding away in their parents basement.

Sushisnake's picture

It's not the human trolls - I'm used to them, though I do groan everytime I read the words "kind" and "evolution" together- it's the spambots. We had three and a bit pages of spambot threads earlier. Love advice for each city it could think of. A couple of days ago, it was pages of Hindu prayers for love. Grrr! The forum administrators get on to them pretty quickly, though. I wonder how the bots get through captcha? Perhaps it isn't bots, but humans paid a pittance to make like a bot?

Sheldon's picture
Ah, my apologies for the

Ah, my apologies for the mistake. Yes I saw some of those Hindu ones. Sadly this is way outside my area of expertise.

Sushisnake's picture

No problem. It's nice to talk to you. I enjoy your posts. You're teaching me a lot.
It's outside my expertise, too. All I've come up with is our captcha never exceeds 20 and the bot's algorithm just keeps plugging away at the possibles until bingo! It's in.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Sushisnake - Perhaps it isn't

Sushisnake - Perhaps it isn't bots, but humans paid a pittance to make like a bot?

That is my guess (it is a common tactic).

Sushisnake's picture
@ Nyar

@ Nyar
Good god! What a mind numbing job!

MCDennis's picture
Use a spamgun

Use a spamgun

Tin-Man's picture
You can try swatting them

You can try swatting them with a rolled up magazine or old house shoe. lol

algebe's picture
This field of expertise is

This field of expertise is above my pay grade, too. I'm guessing that by getting their crap on the Internet as often as possible, they score points that move them to the front in some search engine ranking. I'd also guess that every time someone replies to these threads, they score more points, however cutting that reply may be.

So all we can do is ignore them and pray that they go away. Oh right. That's not going to work either.

Anyway, our thanks are due to those concerned for their hard work behind the scenes scrubbing this dung off the forum walls.

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