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Anonymous's picture

The Pope believes in ridiculous things like Adam and Eve, Noah's Arc and the virgin birth of Jesus. But he seems like a peaceful, progressive Pope and does believe in evolution and global warming. The prosperity preachers like Joel Osteen are way more hurtful and disgusting.. I like the POPE.
Nascar auto racing seems kind of ridiculous to me. Hundreds of thousands of "fans" watching cars going round and round and round-hoping for a accident. Many carrying confederate flags and drinking way to much beer.l I like the Pope.
Viagra Commercials, Drug Commercials, Car Commercials-all stupid commercials. I like the Pope
Donald Trump, Sarah Plain, Bill Oreilly, Fox News--I like the Pope
Wheel of Fortune and Vanna White- I like the Pope
Kevin Oleary and Mark Cuban- I like the Pope
Dr. Oz Dr Phil all the bullshit day time talk shows- I like the Pope
High Heal shoes-totally dumb-I like the Pope
Laugh tracks on shows like the Big Bang Theory- I like the Pope
Beauty pageants-I like the Pope

I am sure you can think of many things you think are ridiculous So the Pope believes 'silly' things. So what.. He seems like a nice kind peaceful human being.. Probably "better" than most of you including me... I like the Pope

I have "listened" to many of you so called atheist liberals and the Pope is way "more" than most of you or me.
The Pope may believe in stupid things(Adam and Eve and the talking snake) but he seems genuinely kind, warm, peaceful, nice, "intelligent" and a good human being. I like the Pope God Bless

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Vincent Paul Tran's picture
Catholism is dumb regardles

Catholism is dumb regardles so I discount the judgement that he is a Catholic. To non catholics, the pope is nothing more than a social agenda person, in which case, Francis has had a much better track record than his two predecessors as pope

marz1969's picture
I am from South America and

I am from South America and since the early 90's Catholicism has been losing millions of members for a great number of Protestant churches down here, modeled after the American TV Evangelical ones. And I mean MILLIONS. That was a huge blow on the Catholic Church and something extreme had to be done, thus blatantly replacing a Pope that lacked charisma for a (surprise) Latin American progressive one whose mission is to regain some of that runaway flock.

And as the PR and poster boy he is supposed to be, he's been doing a good job so far.

Nutmeg's picture
He's a nicer face of the same

He's a nicer face of the same old crap. We've got 7 billion people in the world and we don't need any more, so they say you can't use condoms. They still demonise gay people, and they've never made proper restitution for the child sex abuse. They're a group of regressive, disgusting old men who have found a pliable front man with a better manner.

Takudzwa Mazwienduna's picture
Dude! That's an insult to

Dude! That's an insult to Viagra commercials and I myself , a sex fan who is totally against celibacy (which by the way is unnatural while homosexuality is) am deeply offended!

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Lol!? :)

Lol!? :)

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