If god had meant us to....

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algebe's picture
If god had meant us to....

Conservative people from my grandparents' generation used to complain about newfangled inventions with the highly illogical "if god had meant us to ..." argument.
Airplanes: If god had meant us to fly, he'd have given us wings.
Submarines: If god had meant us to go under water he'd have given us gills.
And my favorite, in response to nudity in magazines, etc.: If god had meant us to be naked, we'd have been born naked.

Can you think of more ways to complete this sentence?

To start the ball rolling:

If god had meant us to be atheists, we would have brains capable of rational thought.

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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
If god had meant for us to

If god had meant for us to eat nacho chips.. he wouldn't have made them sound like "Not yo Chips!"

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
If god meant for us to

If god meant for us to believe he exists, why does he work in "Mysterious ways" ?

jamiebgood1's picture
If god meant for us to

If god meant for us to believe he exsists, why did he try to explain himself in 66 plus books that have contradictions weaved throughout? Is He trying to confuse his believers?

MCDennis's picture
If gods had meant us to take

If gods had meant us to take claims that gods exist seriously, it or they would have provided proof of its existence

Usagi's picture
If God wanted for men to find

If God wanted for men to find life too easy, he wouldn't have created women.

mykcob4's picture
If god wanted us to be

If god wanted us to be atheists he wouldn't have made churches...oh wait...he didn't. Well, you know what I mean dammit!

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