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mykcob4's picture

Yes, my posts are irritating....INTENTIONALLY. They reflect the irritation I get continuously from christians. Just want to clear that up.

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jamiebgood1's picture

I think that would be a good thing to figure out the statistics on.
I know I relate and will listen to people that are kind to me, but not all people are like that. What is the best approach when talking to theists?
We are each so unique and it seems as though we all can do better with our approaches toward some individuals.

Jared Alesi's picture
Sometimes the best approach

Sometimes the best approach is to not approach at all. My theist friend, we'll call him Jeff, likes to debate me about my atheism, and he is very open to discussion. Others, like Susie, are extremely narrow-minded and will never talk to me or listen to my point of view because that's simply not in their agenda. I try not to associate with Susies, but I love a good Jeff. Try to only debate people who are willing to actually debate, and not spout random crap at you as if they are some oracle and you must heed their bullshit. People like that only have one place, and that's the receiving end of a 'block' button on social media. Personally, I love to debate people like Jeff, because it's good to hear other points of view. I've never been persuaded to convert, but having arguments refuted is nice and refreshing once in a while.

Pitar's picture
Gads, I never say never but

Gads, I never say never but in this case there isn't a religiously-convicted person alive who can get my Irish up. It comes down to ignorance and life is all about that whether I suffer it from others or others suffer it from me. The trade off is we're all that much aware no one knows it all. Some capitulate and let others lead them (religions, organizations, clubs, societies, militias, etc.) through their doldrums and I can understand that more than I can understand a desire to take that away from them for some ego-maniacal claims on lucidity.

Give it up, people. Superiority is not yours by your happenstance affiliation with atheism. I will grant that evidence seems to support atheism's claim but that does nothing to change the state of the human condition from lashing out at each other, which is on display here frequently.

The atheist makes a declaration of disbelief so he or she can "move along" without looking back. It doesn't mean to dwell on it.

LogicFTW's picture
I do not want you to stop

I do not want you to stop giving input, but...

By the reasoning of your post, why are you here? You are not dwelling on atheism? You do not think atheism is superior, (that opinion is fine,) so why do you post here, and on threads like these? If you think these boards has a lot of lashing out at each other, and you do not care for it, why read and post here?

Honestly curious, not trying to score points or prove you wrong or anything.

Sky Pilot's picture
As it says in Ecclesiastes 10

As it says in Ecclesiastes 10:13 (CEB) = "Fools start out talking foolishness and end up speaking awful nonsense."

Jared Alesi's picture
Personally, I only try to be

Personally, I only try to be irritating if it's out of reciprocation. I'm not overtly mean for no reason. At least I try not to be. I tend to like pissing people off if they've done the same. Logic is usually the first offensive for me, but when arguing with an unreasonable person, why go to the extra effort?

Endri Guri's picture
This discussion has no need

This discussion has no need to continue further as it's only making a fool out of everyone. It's quite ironic actually that you are all debating on a actual superiority over who can debate much better and those who would respect their opinions and viewpoints, while at the same time, not respecting each others' opinions as fellow atheists. He think that dealing with the theist that way is the right way, the other thinks different, what purpose does both of the sides' words mean when the only answer will come when one realizes that on his own.

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