Just a thought.

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Endri Guri's picture
Just a thought.

If God doesn't believe that there is a higher being that him, doesn't that make him an Atheist?


If he believes that he is God, does that not make him a Satanist?
If I correctly remember Satanism by any chance, LaVey did not encourage the worship of Satan as a deity, he was rather a figure or a symbol, as an archetype of pride, individualism and enlightenment. That is because in the Hebrew word his name means "opposer". The reason I say that is because Satanists believe themselves to be God, to the meaning that they decide what goes in and what happens in their Life through their actions.

I know this kinda sounds dumb since I'm placing God in actual existence, but if an argument with a Christians comes up, would this be a good a retaliation?

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chimp3's picture
I think it is funny that when

I think it is funny that when you define Satanism according to Anton LaVey many atheists get on board , but substitute Ayn Rand for LaVey and Satanism for Objectivism watch the storm clouds appear on the horizon.

Endri Guri's picture
It is actually funny now that

It is actually funny now that I read about it.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Well to complete your

Well to complete your substitution, perhaps we should substitute LaVey's notions of extreme personal freedom for Rand's overt racism, curious sexism, nationalist exceptionalism, and legendary hypocrisy; combined paradoxically with her undo influence in the halls of power. But I guess the storm clouds wouldn't be as funny then.

chimp3's picture
Would it be better if LaVey

Would it be better if LaVey had more influence in the halls of power?

Nyarlathotep's picture
I don't know enough about

I don't know enough about LaVey to say. For example I've never read anything from him that seems racists or sexist, but I really haven't read that much LaVey.

chimp3's picture
Ayn Rand thought it was

Ayn Rand thought it was unethical to accept the sacrifice of another to ones self. LaVey thought it was ethical for the strong to dominate the weak.

MCDennis's picture
I don't believe in gods. So

I don't believe in gods. So I wouldn't care to guess what a god might or might not think about other gods. Please don't feel bad because I also don't spend time wondering about Mickey Mouse's philosophical thoughts about deities either. By the way, Mickey is a fictional character

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