Living on the land of 80%

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Saidai Akuma's picture
Living on the land of 80%

The pearl of the orient the land of smiles with great sites and wonders Philippines,
Philippines, where religion is epidemic with more or less 80% of it's population were christian and muslim,
religion in the Philippines came from different factions like spanish colonizers brought christianism and islam were brought by merchants and traders

as an Atheist and a student can you still smile when all those religious cunts are talking about you from behind? when all the people around you were praying to get you out of so called 'darkness' how will you respond to this how can you survive? How can you live on the land of 80%

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Teller's picture
Talking with people might

Talking with people might help. I understand fundamentalism can be a problem. But right now you are talking behind they're backs because you assume they are talking behind your back. Therefore you are (at minimum) both equally guilty. I recommend not hating religious folks (but still being who you are). Maybe Penn Jillettes book "every day is an atheist holiday" would help you be more positive.

Teller's picture
Talking with people might

(accidental copy)

SBMontero's picture
@The Great Demon: I'm sure

@The Great Demon: I'm sure you know the Philippine Atheists and Agnostics Society, they're on Imacron Media Center, 4th floor 115 Kamuning Rd Quezon City 1103, and you can find them on the internet here and can speak with them here

I know that living surrounded by ignorance is complicated, but you aren't alone, an atheist is never alone.

LogicFTW's picture
I have been to the

I have been to the Philippines, admittedly only the large cities, and within those, the more wealthy part of those cities. But at least those parts, they felt much like the US cities.

Everyone I met within the wealthy cities did not mention religion. And it seemed within that city culture, they considered it rude to bring it up. If I had dinner at a local's house, the host frequently did a quick prayer before dinner, and that was all I really noticed for religion.

I imagine just like the US, it was the rural areas that religion had a suffocating blanket that wherever you went religion is oppressively everywhere, and an atheist had to keep things very close to the chest.

Pitar's picture
I see no difference in the

I see no difference in the math between the PI and any other place, percentage-wise. Numbers can play head games that conjures up a lot of imagery but to me it's always simply been the ignorant masses. That could be a very small minority, percentage-wise.

Ignorance lives in imagination. It doesn't need to learn anything, and seldom does, because rarely does it transact in facts.

The OPs own imagination has provided him a very dim view of the world. He sees eyes like daggers all around him ready to take him out or carve him into their own likeness. I suppose I could also broadbrush every theist as a stain on the world but, c'mon, that only happens in the imagination.

Sheesh, get a grip. The mind is a fabulous thing that can see the world as a wondrous place so why scatter them both across a landscape of gloom and doom you let your imagination conjure up. Then again, shrinks need money, too.

Snap out of it.

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