Loop Theory - Universe and life restarts after big crunch

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Randomhero1982's picture
I've read about this theory a

Thank you for the link though, always enjoy seeing other information on this...

Armando Perez's picture
Possible vestiges of a

Possible vestiges of a universe previous to the Big Bang

November 27, 2017
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
A researcher proposes to eliminate the need for cosmological space-time singularity and argues that the current expansion phase was preceded by contraction.


Nyarlathotep's picture
Right; the singularity is an

Right; the singularity is an artifact from applying the math in a regime that we know it isn't applicable.

To put it in layman's terms it would be similar to doing this:
Joe makes $10 a day. On Monday he had $0. On Tuesday he had $10. On Wednesday he will have $20. On Sunday he must have had -$10. We all intuitively know to not follow the math into the domain of negative days (the bolded part).

Jared Alesi's picture
Similar to your analogy, or

Similar to your analogy, or rather an extension of it. Before Joe had money, he was preparing for interviews and submitting applications. This is like the chaotic state of the cosmic envelope before the big bang. Whatever form or lack thereof which the universe possessed, some stress caused the chain of events that triggered what we call the big bang. The easiest explanation would be that everything was compressed to high density, and the sort of Brownian motion of particles broke the barrier holding the universe back. Much like too many marbles in a paper bag will break the bag and spill out if there is enough motion.

Sapporo's picture
My current view is that most

My current view is that most likely, I will live an infinite number of lives, in the sense that I will experience every possible permutation an infinite number of times.


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