Is materialism a real theory? Do most atheist believe in it?

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dxm_dxm's picture
Since this is a debating hall

Since this is a debating hall, I suggest you get more familiar with hierarchy of forum argumentation before posting. 95% of your previous post belongs to the 2 lower levels of the pyramid, while 5% belongs to the 4th level:


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arakish's picture
And you are still ignorantly

And you are still ignorantly blind. And English ain't your primary language. Neither is comprehension.


ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
This is thing I've ever seen.

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

Cognostic's picture
dxm_dxm: WOW! Slam those

dxm_dxm: WOW! Slam those creationists! Nice post!

Apollo's picture
Consciousness is a function

Consciousness is a function of your body. Talking of "consciousness" as if it were a discrete entity is a mistake. Most of this duality talk, as far as I know, came from the middle ages when some philosopher - Thomas - decided to think of the universe as two seperate compartments. the natural stuff - the stuff you can weigh, kick, and otherwise measure was in one compartment. The second compartment contained all the "immaterial" stuff. So things like "consciousness", and "mind" got shoved in the immaterial compartment as if they existed apart from material. Its a major mistake, and I don't buy it for a second.

As a theist I believe I am my body. There is no separate "I" that exists apart from my bodily existance.

Consciousness is an abstraction from reality. When people talk of it as a seperate entity from their body, they make the mistake of reifying an abstraction from reality.

We might say that every thing that exists has mass (and therefore energy). So if consciousness has no mass, is has no energy either, and it doesn't exist. But we sentient beings sort of know we are conscious, so it does exist. the solution: the "I", the conscious "I" is your body.

Cognostic's picture
Apollo SAID: "Talking of

Apollo SAID: "Talking of "consciousness" as if it were a discrete entity is a mistake." and "Consciousness is an abstraction from reality. When people talk of it as a seperate entity from their body, they make the mistake of reifying an abstraction from reality."

Max Tegmark, a theoretical physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, "Tegmark’s approach is to think of consciousness as a state of matter, like a solid, a liquid or a gas. “I conjecture that consciousness can be understood as yet another state of matter. Just as there are many types of liquids, there are many types of consciousness,” ... "Particular properties of consciousness might arise from the physical laws that govern our universe."

The new approach to consciousness has come from outside the physics community, principally from neuroscientists such as Giulio Tononi at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.


"The latest breakthrough in this new field, published by Max Tegmark of MIT, postulates that consciousness is actually a state of matter. “Just as there are many types of liquids, there are many types of consciousness,”

I CAN CITE RESEARCHERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD ON THIS ONE. You might want to take another look at what you are calling consciousness.

rat spit's picture
Remote viewing is only

Remote viewing is only possible because Consciousness is everywhere. Despite being used by the KGB and CIA, the puny mind of the Atheist will never ascribe to remote viewing because they lack the insight to use it.

Nyarlathotep's picture
rat spit - Remote viewing is

rat spit - Remote viewing is only possible because Consciousness is everywhere.

Sigh: ESP? Really?

Cognostic's picture
All you have to do is prove

All you have to do is prove that it is real. Where is the remote viewer that won the million dollars offered to anyone who could demonstrate such a talent? Why is Las Vegas still operating? Remote viewing is as big a bunk as the idea of a God. Total Garbage.

arakish's picture
And I guess you, a Religious

And I guess you, a Religious Absolutist, can? Then tell me what I am doing right now!


Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Then tell me

@Arakish Re: "Then tell me what I am doing right now!"

You are sitting on your couch in your underwear, eating Cheetos, drinking a beer, watching television, and trying to remember if it is 400 or 700 where the porn channels start.

arakish's picture
Oooh! So damn close.

Oooh! So damn close.

You are sitting on your couch without any underwear (don't want to soil it), eating Cheetos, drinking an ale, watching television, and trying to remember if it is 400 or 700 where the porn channels start.


Tin-Man's picture


Oh, my bad. My remote viewing has a censoring option. It was hard to tell whether or not you had on underwear because the pixelated censor spot was blocking my view..... (thankfully). Oh, and you had your hand over the label on the bottle, so I could not read exactly what it was, so I just went with the generic "beer" choice.

arakish's picture
Ok. I'll see if the Randi

Ok. I'll see if the Randi Foundation is offering that million dollars. You certainly nailed the head.


Tin-Man's picture


Sweeeet! How does a 60/40 split sound to you?

Sheldon's picture
Jesus, another barking mad

Jesus, another barking mad theists with a penchant for making absurd unevidenced claims. Kill me now...

arakish's picture
Sorry, Sheldon, can't do that

Sorry, Sheldon, can't do that.

If I killed you now, I won't have your help around here tomorrow.


Cognostic's picture
RE: Nyarlathotep; "ESP?

RE: Nyarlathotep; "ESP? Really?" I knew you were going to say that.

rat spit's picture
A) you lack the insight and

A) you lack the insight and imagination to use it, so “prove it to your self” is not an option
B) the only proof of anything in this world is money. I know of this prize, but how much money would you expect an organization like the KGB or CIA to invest in a remote viewing program - ie. if it weren’t real. The proof is the money.

CyberLN's picture
The proof is money? Does

The proof is money? Does that mean, then that the virgin mary actually WAS in the toasted cheese sandwich that was sold on eBay?

arakish's picture
A) you lack the insight and

A) you lack the insight and imagination to use it, so “prove it to your self” is not an option
B) the only proof of anything in this world is money. I know of this prize, but how much money would you expect an organization like the KGB or CIA to invest in a remote viewing program - ie. if it weren’t real. The proof is the money.

This goes so far beyond my idiot scale, I have no comment except, "Really? Then I guess that is why your religion is such an awful manager of money that y'all have ALWAYS need money."


rat spit's picture
Your idiot scale? You have a

Your idiot scale? You have a scale for idiocy? And who said I have a religion? I am without a religion. I merely point out remote viewing as an indication that consciousness is a ubiquitous entity - and; furthermore, National defence entities in large countries invest (I don’t know how much - but...) a lot of money into using these techniques. And you call me an idiot? You’re flapping your lips in an anonymous website. And you tell me to grow up?

Sheldon's picture
Please tell me this is a

Please tell me this is a windup? Why do these nut-jobs come here of all places?

rat spit's picture
I don’t know. How much did It

I don’t know. How much did It go for?

Randomhero1982's picture
My spidey senses detect

My spidey senses detect bollocks....

rat spit's picture
I hope to “God” you’re from

I hope to “God” you’re from the UK, because you use the word “bullocks” far to often.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ rat spit

@ rat spit
well if you used your miraculous powers of "remote viewing" * pause to wipe tears of laughter* you would know exactly where Random was bollocks.

rat spit's picture
That wouldn’t be hard for me.

That wouldn’t be hard for me. I would need some conscious trace of him. I could glean that merely from his style of writing and then simply posit my consciousness above his location. So, thank you. Excellent point elderly man shouting.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ rat spit

@ rat spit
OMG a googler! Yeh google maps is a good thing unless of course you are trying to claim *remote viewing" *snorkle* and then just looking him up on the interweb....

Well you need to give us his exact address, the type of pot plant behind his front door, plus the color and brand of his underpants.

Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man Re: "Well you need

@Old Man Re: "Well you need to give us his (Random's) exact address, the type of pot plant behind his front door, plus the color and brand of his underpants."

Too easy! Don't worry, Mr. Rat Spit. I'll field this one for you...

Random doesn't have an exact street address. He lives in a little three room shack out in the woods off the beaten path. And he does not keep his pot plant behind his front door. He grows several different varieties in a cleared field out behind his shack where they can get plenty of healthy sunshine each day. Oh, and no underpants. Random goes commando.


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