More horror from the Catholic Church

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algebe's picture
More horror from the Catholic Church

I just got a message from Netflix announcing a new mini-series called "The Keepers." It's about Sister Catherine Cesnik, a nun working as a teacher at a Catholic girls school in Baltimore, who was murdered in 1969. The main suspect was a priest, also working at the school, who is suspected of molesting and raping girls and pimping them out to other men, including local police officers. Some of the girls confided in Sister Catherine, who was reportedly about to report the matter to the church authorities.

The priest died several years ago, but his body has now exhumed to extract DNA.

The question that comes to my mind is, even if Sister Catherine had reported the priest, would the church have done anything about him? More likely they'd have transferred him to another US city and her to Timbuktoo.

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Pitar's picture
After WWII a journalist was

After WWII a journalist was documenting the plight of the cathaholic church during the war. He hooked up with a fellowwho was a maintenance man at the Vatican during the war. The old man gave the journalist an account of the occupational period. First, the fascists took control and raided the convent raping all the nuns, except for sister Mary Catherine. They did not rape her. Then, when the fascists lost their nerve and fled when the Allies landed on the peninsula, The German army had to enter the city and put in defenses. When that was done they too raided the convent and raped all the nuns - except for sister Mary Catherine. The journalist stopped the man and asked him why sister Mary Catherine was spared such a fate twice but the old man raised his hand and put a finger to his lips hushing the journalist. The old man continued to tell him when the Germans were routed by the American forces all Italians were relieved and relaxed that a champion of human morality was visited upon them. They gave thanks to their gods almighty. But there came one night of drunken revelry when even the Americans forced their way into the convent and had their way with each nun, repeatedly as did the Axis forces before them, but again sister Mary Catherine was spared the indignity of their phallic assaults. The journalist was now sure that there was an aura of saintliness surrounding sister Mary Catherine that even the most drunken soldier of the line, and biologically pent up primordial need to breed could see and respect. The old man continued and told a similar story of when the British army bivouacked in the city, and how sister Mary Catherine was one final time spared by yet another army. He then slowly stood, gave a meager smile and took his leave of the journalist. Incredulous, the journalist stood and over-took the old man stopping him with the question: "Why was sister Mary Catherine 4 times spared such a lowly indignity?" "Oh that", quipped the old man, "sister Mary Catherine didn't go in for that sort of thing."

algebe's picture
That reminds me of a book by

That reminds me of a book by Edward Behr, foreign correspondent of the Times of London. The title is "Has Anyone Here Been Raped and Speaks English."

He heard an American journalist yell that out in airport lounge packed with nuns fleeing from the Congo in the 1960s. Raped nuns were kind of a meme in the early 1960s.

LogicFTW's picture
I wonder how many of those

I wonder how many of those poor nuns lost the faith after they got raped. For many of them I imagine abortion was not an option either.

As always, in war, it is the most vulnerable that suffer, and a bunch of women in a foreign land, with only their "faith" to protect them, they are pretty vulnerable, (in the case of the Congo.)

algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: "I wonder how

@LogicForTW: "I wonder how many of those poor nuns lost the faith after they got raped"

It was a sick situation in more ways than one. Nun-raping became the focus of prurient outrage in the tabloids. And when the nuns were white and the rapists black, it was also seen as proof of black bestiality attacking white purity. Of course, nobody cared that the Congo had been turned into a horror story by 50 years of Belgian exploitation and mismanagement as King Leopold's personal slave state.

LogicFTW's picture
I actually been to the DRC in

I actually been to the DRC in my world travels, did not spend much time there, as it is a dangerous place. I will never forget it though.
Not a place you take a bunch of naive nuns to. Especially now.

What europe colonization has done to Africa is beyond awful in many, many ways, and I saw a small fraction of this first hand. And much of it has religious/culture undertones.

Closet_atheist's picture
Saying these rapist priests

Saying these rapist priests simply went crazy after learning the truth could be possible, but I believe that more likely it is conscious choice by the pedophiles, rapists, and hebephiles to aspire to priesthood, for a more safe and convenient way for them to pursue their sexual desires.

Stu. K.'s picture
In other news, water is wet

In other news, water is wet :b

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