Muslim and Athiest Common Ground : Evidence

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Well according to SfT: Islam is a religion of peace.
Everyone else is reading the Qu'ran wrong/doesn't understand/out of context/or its a metaphor.
Sunni, Shia and all the rest of the divisions in the moslem world do not exist
After two whole years of study of all comparative religions he chose Islam as it was true/peaceful/equal for all men etc etc.
Circular logic proves Allah
Mohamed was not a sex addicted peadophile.

That just about sums up his position. But he does have a sense of humor and is strangely convinced that TM may see the light of truth and convert under SfT's gentle tutelage.

LogicFTW's picture
@Old man shouts

@Old man shouts

equal for all men

HAH! I see what you did there ☺



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
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Ramo Mpq's picture


Sent you a pm. Please let me know if you got it.

LogicFTW's picture
Got it. (The one you sent out

Got it. (The one you sent out today anyways.) I apologize, I got busy the last few days, but obviously have a bit of free time now.



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
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▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Sheldon's picture
The problem of course is that

The problem of course is that a religious education often amounts to no more than indoctrination. As adherents are taught so that they think they are questioning every thing, but the one thing they're not taught to question is the idea or belief that a deity exists at all.

I have asked SFT repeatedly what the Islam states is the penalty for apostasy. Of course he ignored this question as well, which is something of an own goal since evasion of this type is an answer all on its own.

Anonymous's picture
Well, I have to disagree on

Well, I have to disagree on religious education being no more than indoctrination. As a Fundie, I spent (wasted) most of the time in those years in study, both in college and independent study. But don't remind me.

SFT is a fraud. There's no walking around it. I've spoken to those into Islam and they are misguided but very respectful and anxious to answer ANY questions. SFT does not do this.

Sheldon's picture
"religious education being no

"religious education being no more than indoctrination. "

Sheldon "often amounts to" is what I said. I'm aware that peoples experoence of religious education varies wildly.

You're disagreeing with a slightly different claim to the one I made. I have seen nothing from SFT that inclines me to disagree with your assessment of him though. I got this impression from the start.

Anonymous's picture
My apologies, Sheldon. You

My apologies, Sheldon. You're right. It reads much differently than I originally read it.

Ramo Mpq's picture
Hahaha you put me on your

Hahaha you put me on your virtual ignore list yet you go around talking about me lol. As hypocritical as that is, I'd by lying if I said I was surprised in the least. Seems I continue to live rent free. Rent free, lady. Rent free. Never forget. If you don't know what that means, just ask someone. They'll explain it.

Tin-Man's picture
@Hulkster Re: "Hahaha you

@Hulkster Re: "Hahaha you put me on your virtual ignore list yet you go around talking about me"

It's your natural charm, big guy. It just seems to grow on people. lol

Sheldon's picture


You claimed to be ignoring me, I never made any such claim about the dishonest drivel you post. Honesty is something else I've noticed is anathema to you. I do hope you were being deliberately ironic when you picked that name.

What evidence can you demonstrate for any deity?

What is the penalty in Islam for apostasy?

Is it ever moral for a man in his 50's to have sex with a nine year old child?

It's hilarious how your "search for truth" takes you nowhere near any honest answers, just the usual trite attempts at point scoring.

Tin-Man's picture
@Sheldon Re: "Lady?"

@Sheldon Re: "Lady?"

Um, I think Hulkster was referring to MB on that one.

Edit to add: Oy vey! Starting to feel like a referee around here....*places yellow flag back in rear pocket*.... *fidgets with whistle hanging around neck*.... Folks really need to start specifying the peson being addressed.

Anonymous's picture
Tin-Man, I know you are a

Tin-Man, I know you are a peacemaker. However, it is your choice for this role.

Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: "However, it is

@MB Re: "However, it is your choice for this role."

*shrill whistle sound*....*tosses yellow flag to ground*.... *flips mic switch to "On"*.... Penalty on the play!... *arms over head, right hand clasping left wrist*... Personal foul! Excessive psychoanalysis on the field!... On the offense! Number "MB"!.... Fifteen yard penalty and loss of down!.... *recovers yellow flag*... *moves ball to appropriate spot*..... *rotates right arm in large circular motion*....*blows whistle to resume play*....

LogicFTW's picture

If memory serves correctly Tin Man was an officer of the law, a peacekeeper by chosen profession for a time.
Now I think he wants to roleplay being an american football referee.



▮          I am an atheist that always likes a good debate.          ▮
▮   Please include @LogicFTW in responses directed to me.    ▮
▮        Useful list on forum usage. A.R. Member since 2016.      ▮

Sheldon's picture
Those refs don't carry guns

Those refs don't carry guns right? How about tasers? Best behaviour it is...

Anonymous's picture
Sheldon, you mean you have

Sheldon, you mean you have never received the zap! on your finger tips? Tin-Man uses his lazer-tag eyeballs and zaps your fingers if you don't do what he wants. HE can throw insults, but not us wee folk.

Ouch! cool it, Tin -
OWEEEEE! Tin-Many, stop i...
OWWWEEEEE! Okay, Okay, I'll stop.

Tin-Man's picture
@MB Re: "Ouch! cool it, Tin

@MB Re: "Ouch! cool it, Tin -
OWEEEEE! Tin-Many, stop i...
OWWWEEEEE! Okay, Okay, I'll stop."

Oh, shit! So sorry, MB! I was aiming at Logic for giving away my game plan! But he moved out of the way just as I fired. Didn't know you were behind him. Well, gee.... This is embarrassing... *blushing*...

Tin-Man's picture
Okay, for the record, it is

Okay, for the record, it is not my policy to zap anybody for delivering really good insults. Matter of fact, I am way more likely to give an award to anybody who flings a really good one out there, even if it is at ME. I appreciate true skill and talent when I see it. *chuckle* In this particular case, though, I was trying to taze Logic for a very good and legitimate reason. It was because.....uh, well, because..... ummm.... errrrr.... OH,OKAY! You got me! There really was no good excuse. I was just doing it for FUN! Just wanted to see his reaction and the look on his face. But, nooooooo.... He has to go and move at exactly the right (wrong) moment. Like he had eyes in the back of his head, or something. Or maybe he has ESPN?....*scratching chin*.... Anyway.... There! Happy now?

Anonymous's picture
Sorry, Tin-Can, no dice, the

Sorry, Tin-Can, no dice, the damage is done. Back pedaling ain't gonna hep' ya' dis time. were feeling guilty, weren't you? Good for you! Next time, calm down.

arakish's picture
Ignoring your posts is not

Reference Link

@ SfT

Ignoring your posts is not the same as telling the truth about you. You just don't like seeing the truth about yourself so you always make up bullshit to try and make yourself look superior. It does NOT work.


Edit: had to add reference link due to comment being separate by a bunch of others.

SeniorCitizen007's picture
The Koran, as it exists today

The Koran, as it exists today, was very carefully constructed (probably commissioned by whoever was ruling at the time ... late 700s?), using pre-existing texts (some of which were subjected to interpolation).The whole thing is a political document designed to get everybody believing the same thing. The Koran is a "Holy Fraud".

Sheldon's picture
Much as the bible is.

Much as the bible is. Religions were never meant to free the masses, only to trick them into not rioting when they were treated like shit. There's a reason rulers and monarchs claimed to govern by divine right, and a reason the regimes that violently deposed them tried to rid the populace of their religious beliefs, in places like France and Russia. Religion however is too resilient a meme.


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