The Popularity of Tattoos

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ImFree's picture
The Popularity of Tattoos

Over the years tattoos have become increasingly popular. In the past, one's employment opportunities could be severely jeopardized if a tattoo could not be easily concealed by clothing. Some businesses have been forced to compromise to some degree due to the increased popularity of tattoos. On the other hand, some businesses still adamantly refuse to hire people with tattoos that cannot be concealed.

Tattoos are common among christians even though the bible denounces the practice: Leviticus 19:28

28  You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.

I sometimes wonder how much thought individuals give to the permanence of a tattoo and the long-term ramifications associated with their decision. What one considers “hip” when one is in their late teens and early twenties might be viewed as an embarrassment in their latter years.

Here is an informative video on the subject titled: Tattoos are Growing in Popularity:

Personally speaking, I do not have any tattoos nor do I ever intend to get one.

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algebe's picture
Japan has many wonderful hot

Japan has many wonderful hot spring resorts. If you have even one tattoo, they won't let you in any of them. That's because tattoos are traditionally worn only by the yakuza (gangster) class, so banning tattoos is a way of banning crime. A bit naive, but it's stringently enforced.

I see tattoos as permanent reminders of temporary states of mind. I also fear needles and the diseases they can carry. So I think I'll keep my original pigmentation.

chimp3's picture
I have a few and don't regret

I have a few and don't regret them. I would get more but I am 58. Why bother? One that I would get is "Left Benind" on my left butt cheek.

LogicFTW's picture
I dont get it :(

I dont get it :(

Is it supposed to be "left behind" but the top part of the "h" got left behind leaving only the bottom part, the "n" ?

ImFree's picture
There is another tattoo trend

There is another tattoo trend that is becoming popular to block old tattoos called blackout tattoos.

FNN: Blackout tattoos rise in popularity:

ImFree's picture
Anybody that is considering a

Anybody that is considering a tattoo might want to learn from this man's fatal mistake concerning avoiding infections: Why You Shouldn’t Swim After Getting A Tattoo:

CyberLN's picture
I've wanted one for a long

I've wanted one for a long time. I had breast reconstruction surgery because a cancerous one was hacked off. I want "Memorex" tattooed on the fake one. (I suspect some younger folks won't get the joke.)

LogicFTW's picture
The old Memorex cassette

The old Memorex cassette tapes?

Nyarlathotep's picture
Live or Memorex?
CyberLN's picture
Yep. I find it amusing.

Yep. I find it amusing.

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