Profiling in America

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mykcob4's picture
Profiling in America

Profiling in America has traditionally been by race and nationality. What is it? Basically it's stopping harassing and arresting without cause based on race or nationality. It is openly suspecting someone without probable cause based on race or nationality.
The problem is that it is illegal and wrong headed.
Crime is a direct result of economic condition. We have a crime problem in America but it isn't because of race or nationality. It's purely economic. When a group of people are denied wealth or opportunity to obtain wealth elements of that group turn to crime. After generations of the same situation that group becomes a culture of crime. Hence the poorer aspects of our general population are generationaly, institutionally, and culturally prone to crime.
In the past and up to the present the perceived solution was to, is to racial profile. A very ineffective and illegal method. The actual cure is to provide jobs that pay well, training and education.
Racist in America often state "The Irish started out poor, the Jews started out poor and they made it to respectability, why can't the blacks do it?"
The fact is there are more Irish and Jewish criminals in America than blacks, plus the Irish and Jews have had opportunities that have been institutionally denied the black community.

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CyberLN's picture
I find items in your OP with

I find items in your OP with which I am inclined to disagree (or at least tender a challenge) but would first like to see the data upon which your assertions are based.

mykcob4's picture
Pitar's picture
I think the title lacks depth

I think the title lacks depth.

The Canadians, English, Swedes, Irish and any other country with social programs such as socialized medicine can be viewed in the same manor. Blacks just seem to get the raw end of it no matter where they go. The Canadian situation has been an ongoing issue where the blacks do not get equitable treatment from any of the social services. They have been making light of this for a while but evidently 1) They believe they are being slighted or, 2) They are running a campaign based on faulty data, which can never be resolved. The Jews have been suffering from it from time immemorial. But, it all comes down to the cultural distinctions between themselves and who perceives who as the antagonist.

All other cultures have money but where social services are state sponsored, that becomes irrelevant.

With regard to your stated "fact" that certain other cultures have a higher incidence of crime than blacks I think we need to understand what those crimes are and what compels us to profile. Blacks commit much of the violent crimes. Other cultures are more of the white collar kind of fraud perpetrated on unsuspecting people to swindle them out of their money. Violence is high profile, white collar is not. I think it's a very easy and quick glance at the record to see how profiling can become hurtful and, in this sense, the blacks are very much their own worst representatives.

Then let's consider the media. The saying "If it bleeds, it leads" is the motivation for news agencies and their affiliates to emphasize the violent crimes because they are high profile. News coverage of some cat who swindled someone just isn't going to break an audience away from their evening meals to catch that story on TV. There's nothing to watch and certainly nothing compelling. A black person who committed a violent crime is.

You simply cannot aggregate the total crime committed and then say people are profiling blacks without the perception at large for violent and non-violent crimes factored into that perception. On the flip side, it isn't fair to blacks to be thrown into the entire catalog of crimes when they simply do not perpetrate them.

Blacks have proven themselves to be the culture prone to violence and capital crime. How is this profiling without just cause?

On a similar tilt, Tony Blair has some insightful commentary about elitism and how the new suffering for someone else to attain it is overblown.

mykcob4's picture
White collar criminals and

White collar criminals and whites are basically not profiled or harassed. 'Driving While Black' is an interesting read. In New York recently blacks were stopped searched and harassed by the NYPD on a regular basis. This was done without probable cause and used as a tool to intimidate blacks that happened to be in a high commercial area of the city.
Your statement "Blacks have proven themselves to be the culture prone to violence and capital crime. How is this profiling without just cause?" This is the crux of my initial post. It isn't the Blacks or because they are black that people are prone to violence. It's the poverty and institutional prejudices that deprive opportunity. It isn't "just cause" to profile any segment of society. Profiling actually provokes violence, it doesn't reduce it. It causes distrust, and fear.
The number 1 demographic of criminals worldwide is: white, middle-aged, male, low income, conservative, protestant christian, U.S. citizen.
In October 2013, the incarceration rate of the United States of America was the highest in the world, at 716 per 100,000 of the national population. While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners. This accounts for about 2.2 million adults in this nation.
Even at that law enforcement has systematically profiled black males more than any other demographic.

Nutmeg's picture
The number 1 demographic of

The number 1 demographic of criminals worldwide is: white, middle-aged, male, low income, conservative, protestant christian, U.S. citizen.

I'm surprised by this. Do you have a link which supports it?

I've long thought that the US CJS needs changing. The incarceration rate which you highlight, the death penalty and the plea-bargain system in particular.

In terms of the type of society which Americans have chosen, leads to massive inequality which leads to crime as well.

mykcob4's picture
I posted 3 sources earlier in

I posted 3 sources earlier in the thread.
The criminal justice system needs to be reformed. I would like to see court appointed defense counsel representation in every case...all cases, where by the DA has to provide defense and resources that equal and match the prosecution. Where the DA's office MUST have a record where defense loses are just as important as prosecution loses. I would like to investigate the fact that we still have debtor's prison in this nation that prey upon the disadvantaged. A women in Iowa (African-American) received a jay walking ticket. She couldn't pay it. It went to warrant and she served time....NOT for jay walking, but for failure to pay the ticket. It was more than a year. I would like to end police departments issuing tickets just to justify their jobs and collect revenue for their municipalities.

chimp3's picture
This article has been

This article has been circulating the net :

Some laws are created to target racial / cultural groups for imprisonment. If the laws are a form of profiling it follows that police work wrongly profiles also. The appearance of this article is uncanny. This week I heard a state level Trump campaign rep refer to Trump voters as the "Silent Majority" . Deja vous.

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