Prove your proof!

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Longwinded77's picture
Prove your proof!

We will all have to stand before God either with faith in Christ or without Christ... But without Christ, we stand in sin before God. You have to go to God for truth -->Ωstart there and find your faith out!> ...becoming a Christian comes first!< Finding salvation through understanding in faith and hope provided by our King of kings and Lord of lords; Jesus Christ Almighty we shall bow all before Him knowing He is Saviour Lord Christ giver of Life and forgiver of sin... PRAY & REPENT! Come clean and chase down the very root of your belief system ....see how it corresponds with the Bible (the only true spoken word by God) --> CHANGE your slacky tactics of feeling so much more liberaly free to be your own false salvation -->embedded into you from every unholy speaking person around you from day one... <-- its evil. Come out and come to Christ amen.

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Flamenca's picture
You're exhausting, man. That

You're exhausting, man. That was this sounds to me...

We will all have to stand before RA either with faith in OSIRIS or without OSIRIS... But without OSIRIS, we stand in sin before RA. You have to go to RA for truth -->Ωstart there and find your faith out!> ...becoming an EGYPTIAN comes first!< Finding salvation through understanding in faith and hope provided by our King of kings and Lord of lords; RA Almighty we shall bow all before Him knowing He is Saviour Lord RA, giver of Life and forgiver of sin... Pray and repent! Come clean and chase down the very root of your belief system ....see how it corresponds with the PAPYRUS OF ANI (the only true spoken word by RA) --> Change your slacky tactics of feeling so much more liberaly free to be your own false salvation -->embedded into you from every unholy speaking person around you from day one... <-- its evil. Come out and come to OSIRIS... Amun.

Flamenca's picture
I forgot to include the



Attach Image/Video?: 

mykcob4's picture
It's time to ban this troll!

It's time to ban this troll!

Flamenca's picture
I post a question about this

I posted a question about this in the Atheist Hub, but no answer yet...

curious's picture
@mykcob4: "It's time to ban

@mykcob4: "It's time to ban this troll!".

I disagree, let him air his view. Unless if he does not respond to reply than ask him to do the meaningful reply, at least once in a thread.

mykcob4's picture
He doesn't reply he just

He doesn't reply he just posts bible quotes!

Flamenca's picture
Well, at least he made me

Well, at least he made me learn something new:

Amun lived in the 21st century B.C. but in the 16th century B.C., after a war, they decided to fussion his name with Ra (Sun God), and Amun-Ra became the "transcendental, self-created creator deity, champion of the poor or troubled and central to personal piety." He was called Amun, Amon, Amen and Hammon, so the origin of the expression "amen" most probably came from him.

Maybe another one of the Judeo-Christian plagiarisms to Egyptian deities?

curious's picture
@Angiebot: "they decided to

@Angiebot: "they decided to fussion his name with Ra (Sun God)"

So, was it in honoring ATEN?

Flamenca's picture
Not exactly.

Not exactly.

When Amenhotep (or Akenatón) IV was the ruler of Egypt, he was upset with the Amun-Ra priests because of their great influence and power, and then he decided that Aton (or Aten) should be worshipped instead.

For a while, Ra and Aton were represented together and they used the expression: "Ua-en-Ra" (one in Ra) for both of them.

When Amenhotep died, the Amun priests re-took the power and Amun-Ra was worshipped again and continues until Tanutamun's death. He was the last pharaon on using the word "Amun" in his name. He died in 653 B.C.

xenoview's picture
First you have to prove a god

First you have to prove a god is real. Give us testable evidence, that can pass peer review. Once you have proven a god, then you have to prove which god it is that humans worship.

LostLocke's picture
The best part about this

The best part about this whole thing is that his post has absolutely nothing to do with the title.
I had some hopes based off the title, but no. He goes and disappoints once more...

Flamenca's picture
I'm starting to think, after

I'm starting to think, after what mbrownmec posted in the Evangelicals and Trump's thread... Longwinded77 is probably a fundamentalist evangelical christian or sth similar, who's precisely looking for us to mock him, and that's why he acts like this, so he can feel good with himself and feel like he's some kind of a martyr.

Now, I feel pity for him. I'm serious. I'm not gonna mock him anymore. Those people usually suffer from serious mental conditions. I hope he could get cured of his issues, so he could be happy some day.

Matt Wilson's picture
Sorry, but perhaps you forgot

Sorry, but perhaps you forgot that this is a forum dominated by atheists. It's probably not a good idea to throw a lot of Bible stuff at them at one time, or you will get thrown out. That paragraph was a bit difficult to read.

Flamenca's picture
As a matter of fact, I wrote

As a matter of fact, I wrote the post for "people who like to post verses from the bible" precisely because of him... Because he doesn't want to open a debate, or express his arguments, he just comes here to post long bible quotes...

P.S. And the one in this thread is one of the shortest...

curtisabass's picture
One of the best examples yet

One of the best examples yet of "word salad".

MCDennis's picture
you're a troll. prove any of

you're a troll. prove any of these assertions or troll away

Randomhero1982's picture
Faith is the surrender of the

Faith is the surrender of the mind; it's the surrender of reason, it's the surrender of the only thing that makes us different from other mammals. It's our need to believe, and to surrender our skepticism and our reason, our yearning to discard that and put all our trust or faith in someone or something, that is the sinister thing to me. Of all the supposed virtues, faith must be the most overrated

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