Random thoughts and clichés from a stunned liberal.

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Alembé's picture
@ Algebe

@ Algebe

Of course god played off both sides. I've had Hillary supporters tell me that they were praying for her.

The thing is, aren't christians supposed to be christian first and use that to guide the rest of their lives. Voting for DT does not seem like a very christian thing to me when he violated so many of the biblical edicts.

Perhaps I will have a greater understanding the of religious Trump supporters, who simmered in a vat of lies and emotion, after I spend a delightful Thanksgiving Day with my in-laws and family next week (Thurs Nov 24th).

algebe's picture

"aren't christians supposed to be christian first and use that to guide the rest of their lives"

Not in my experience. The purpose of religion isn't just to guide what you do, but also to justify what you've done.

What always amazes me is how christians naively believe that these politicians believe in any god other than themselves.

Jerilyn Granger Neal's picture
I agree. I think that a

I agree. I think that a majority of them voted for DT because of his stance on abortion (which is bogus he will say whatever makes him popular) and his running mate uses religion on a regular basis to remove rights of women and LBGT. That is what they voted for, they voted for their belief that life begins at conception and people who are different sexually (taboo deluxe with christians in my area, sex is what you do when no one is looking and you do not talk about it) have no rights because they do not align with their biblical understanding of sexuality.

ThePragmatic's picture
That certainly is the

That certainly is the impression I get from outside the US: they voted for DT because they want creationism in schools, laws based on religion (and only one religion). Basically, they want a theocracy.

And when DT kicks the bucket and Mike Pence takes over, the book burning of science literature can begin...


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