Real definitions of commonly misunderstood terms.

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mykcob4's picture
Real definitions of commonly misunderstood terms.


Hate crime-


Most white supremacists don't understand or purposely mischaracterize these top two terms.
They want to redefine a "hate crime" as just an ordinary crime. This redefinition is a politcal act by the right wing against LGBT and minorities.
BTW there is no such thing as "reverse racism".

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Jared Alesi's picture
I hate 'reverse racism'. I

I hate 'reverse racism'. I also hate reverse sexism. Prejudice is just that: prejudice. It's not any better or worse depending on the victim, or the perpetrators. Living here in the South, there's no end to the slurs about that stupid crap. I'm tired of the anti-feminism, anti-gay, anti everything but white, Christian male crap.

bigbill's picture
I totally disagree with you

I totally disagree with you on reverse racism, I being a Caucasian have experienced it with affirmative action!!!!! that's why Asians are suing Harvard university over racial quarters if you want and support real freedom then let everyone compete in the marketplace without tying there hands.what is happening here is the work place and higher education is lowering there standards here. And that affects a number of things, You just don`t get the right people to do the job and people graduate subpar.

mykcob4's picture
There is no such thing as

There is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is racism. "Reverse racism" is just a phrase made up by racist to project their racism and not take responsibility for their own racism.
You haven't experienced anything. You're lying out of your ass.

Sky Pilot's picture
simply agnostic,

simply agnostic,

I always laugh when reading comments such as yours bleating about affirmative action and people being sub par when the writer misuses so many words in his whine. Do yourself a favor and proofread before posting.

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
You have the nerve to talk

You have the nerve to talk about Ivy League schools and you can't even write properly! LOL hahahahahaha.

bigbill's picture
back to profanity again poor

back to profanity again poor little mykock 4 his feelings were hurt, Well I don`t care about how you feel I speak the truth and may the chips fall where they may.

chimp3's picture
@simply agnostic: So! It was

@simply agnostic: So! It was those devilish Asians that prevented you from getting into Harvard?

mykcob4's picture
So you've changed your name

So you've changed your name yet again.
My feelings aren't hurt. You can't hurt me. My moniker is Mykcob4 BTW so you are violating the forum rules. You never speak the truth. You don't know what the truth is. You don't even know who you are.
Like the words of Clarence Darrow "There are damned few words the people understand. I use the words that everyone understands."
I won't be intimidated or edited by you.

algebe's picture
According to some definitions

According to some definitions, racism is prejudice plus power. In a New Zealand context, for example, Maori can be prejudiced against Europeans, but only Europeans can be guilty of racism because they hold most of the power. I wonder also if skin color is an essential part of racism. The Japanese have traditionally held racist attitudes toward Koreans and other mainland Asians. In 1950s Britain I remember racist attitudes toward the Irish. I've also seen white-on-white racist stereotyping in the US. Remember all the Polish jokes? And what about the Swedish chef on Sesame Street?

It's a puzzling phenomenon. I know of one sure way to detect a racist. It's a person who says "I'm not a racist, but...."

algebe's picture
Terrorism is a highly

Terrorism is a highly politicized concept. Throughout history there have been armed insurgents fighting against tryants and colonial powers. Robin Hood, William Tell, and Zorro could all be seen as terrorists from the viewpoint of the oppressors. Boudica was a terrorist when she rebeled against the Romans in Britain. Terrorist actions contributed to the creation of many modern nations, including Italy, Algeria, Israel, and the new South Africa.

But I think contemporary Islamist terrorists are a different thing altogether. They are fighting for tyranny, not freedom. They have no clear idea of what they want to achieve other than fear and destruction, and maybe a place in heaven with 72 virgins. I think we need a new word for them. Islamaniacs, maybe.

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