street preacher on "why sacrificing Jesus"

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ylu01's picture
street preacher on "why sacrificing Jesus"


The other day I talked to a street preacher. I am sure many people asks the question "why did Jesus has to DIE for our sins? No, not a few whips, not beatings, but GOD has to sacrifice his only son so we can be forgiven".

The preacher's answer is that God wanted to remind us that everything requires a sacrifice. The grain/rice you eat is sacrificed from a plant. The burger you eat is sacrificed from a cow, etc. I couldn't think of a counter argument. Is he right in that sense?

By the way don't bother talking to a street preacher, they are not there to be right, but confident. I learned that first hand when I did. The conversation turned to Hitler and his Nazi party, he said something along the lines of "Hitler and his communist...". I corrected him, he instantly ignored me, turned away and starts bashing communism.


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Sky Pilot's picture
The idea of Yeshua as a

The idea of Yeshua as a sacrifice is based upon the 4th Commandment in Exodus 34:19-20 (CEB) = "19 Every first offspring is mine. That includes all your male livestock, the oldest offspring of cows and sheep. 20 But a donkey’s oldest offspring you may ransom with a sheep. Or if you don’t ransom it, you must break its neck. You should ransom all of your oldest sons.
No one should appear before me empty-handed."

LogicFTW's picture
His hypothetical god did not

His hypothetical god did not sacrifice anything, there was no jesus, no god and no sacrifice. Pretty simple really

mykcob4's picture
There's your problem,

There's your problem, chose to argue with a street preacher.

MCDennis's picture
Wow. A street preacher knows

Wow. A street preacher knows what a god thinks. The monumental arrogance of this is mind boggling. So is: god answers my prayers. So is: I have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe.

LogicFTW's picture
Hah, have not considered your

Hah, have not considered your 3rd example before, of course you are right, the arrogance is astounding on so many levels.

ylu01's picture
Yeah, I realized after not to

Yeah, I realized after not to argue with street preachers again, but I couldn't decide if that's true to a extent or not, "everything requires a sacrifice".

SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
He came back in like 3 days

He came back in like 3 days right? So what was sacrificed? A weekend?

Nyarlathotep's picture
WaffleGuy - I couldn't decide

WaffleGuy - I couldn't decide if that's true to a extent or not, "everything requires a sacrifice".

Do sacrifices require sacrifices?

ylu01's picture
I wanted to say yes...because

I wanted to say yes...because it would just be the object to insert into the procedure. Unless I am missing steps in the logic, a little mind boggling for me really

MiltonAsh's picture


A street preacher? Wow! In most of my country there is no such thing. They would lock them up for disruption of public order.
Ask him where it is prophesied in the Tanakh that the messiah must die for someone's faults.

LogicFTW's picture
Go to Las Vegas, there are

Go to Las Vegas, there are bunches of them. Its quite comical really. Every time I visit Las Vegas and find my self walking the "strip" I take the time to mess with these street corner preachers, one of the highlights of any Vegas trip for me.

charvakheresy's picture
I had a recent run in with a

I had a recent run in with a group of people trying to "educate" the rest of us on the value of a vegetarian diet.

Their arguments were.
1. They had a video of slaughter running on hand held devices to showcase our brutality. (emotional argument). My counter was do any of them use cosmetic or pharmaceutical products, to which they all agreed and were not sad that animal testing was done in most of the cases. .... hypocrites.

2. Here is where it gets interesting. Chickens are sexless (no male and female)
3. Vegetarian only diet is the most healthy. (to which I argues that, it leads to Vitamin deficiencies and so on) for which they replied we take supplements? (where do they think these supplements come from.)

4. They called a "Doctor" (In india Ayurvedic, Homeopathic and Unani practitioners are also given status at par with doctors) who claimed to cure Diabetes with vegetarian diet. Shouldn't she be nominated at the least for a nobel prize.

5. Finally the point to be raised was its "satvik" brahmanical word for pure. and what god wants.

Sky Pilot's picture


If "god" wanted humans to be vegetarians he should have given us digestive tracks that could digest grass.

LogicFTW's picture
Plenty of solid logical

Plenty of solid logical arguments for why we should attempt to reduce the amount of meat we eat (especially Americans.)

The strongest, in my mind being: to reduce environmental impact.

...Not that I am a vegetarian, I like my meat products way too much, way too tasty. But logically we should all definitely reduce our meat intake.

charvakheresy's picture
I am not opposed to

I am not opposed to vegetarianism nor am I a champion of Non vegetarian Diet. My Wife is a vegetarian and she is out of choice. She was a vegetarian because her family was vegetarian but now she feels it difficult to eat non vegetarian food and so chooses to be a vegetarian. I respect that.

What annoys me is when people condescend because they feel some age old text gives them the right to laude their choices over yours as being more pure.

There are plenty of advantages and disadvantages of both vegetarian and non vegetarian diets both on the person and environmentally.

What you chose to eat is your business. Not some religions. And no one should term me impure for my choice of diet.

ylu01's picture
Well, just like religion, if

Well, just like religion, if I want to learn about it I will.You should not push your beliefs on everyone, guilt trips/use a scare tactic to make them come on your side. If you are a vegan, or religious, great, don't act like you are better than everyone else because of it.

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