Texas, the preacher, imbecile parents and their 7 year-old son

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SBMontero's picture
Texas, the preacher, imbecile parents and their 7 year-old son

The news would have its grace if it were not so sad. A parents; Ronald Wright, 56, and Rendy Wright, 39, of Texarkana, Bowie County, Texas, threw their seven-year-old son home because a "preacher" told them child was possessed by the demon... Ôo)-♫ Yes, like sound.

Both are facing child abandonment charges and I expect them to be judged and condemned to the fullest extent of the law, but here too I want to open a debate on what the law should do with that preacher, because while it's true that parents are a demonstrated ignorant idiots, it's no less true that the preacher is the instigator of a crime of child abandonment and I doubt very much that's the first time he does.

I have not been able to find any law in the State of Texas that addresses the issue of incitement to commit a crime based on religion like that, although I have seen sentences related to Muslims in that regard.

Should the law be clearer at the State level about such crimes? Should minors be protected from imbecile parents like these at US?

To what extent should religious liberty affect minors when parents are demonstrably idiotic at US?

It's clear that there are alternatives; Canada, Australia, Northern Europe, Finland and Denmark at the top, are good examples of regulations that facilitate religious freedom without allowing children to suffer the stupidity of their parents.

What do you think about it?


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algebe's picture
Conspiracy to commit child

Conspiracy to commit child abuse maybe?

SBMontero's picture


Well, don't discard anything, of course.

infidelriot's picture
The church governs its own

The church governs its own through its own laws, plus the church has rich lawyers. Nothing would ever come of punishing the priest.

SBMontero's picture
@Infidel Savant:

@Infidel Savant:

If I, or anyone incites another person to commit a crime, we will be punished, if an institution incites other people to commit a crime, there are antecedents of, for example, law offices, will be punished, but if the State faces the The Church is more complicated because the laws are sufficiently ambiguous to cover the misdeeds of the members of the Churches, and even of the sects.

All that must change, or US runs the danger of becoming a theocracy, de facto there is State, Texas, for example, that function as such.

My question is very simple, Are not there capable and conscientious citizens who change the situation at US?

Flamenca's picture


In 2004, the Imam of Muslim Suhail community of Fuengirola (Spain) was found guilty of inciting domestic violence against women and he argued to have just recited verses from the Quran. The sentence was 15 months in prison. Maybe this could be considered a similar case, because the preacher has incited child abuse by a religious statement...

SBMontero's picture


It's undeniable, but in Spain the Imam was condemned, Will be the preacher condemned for inciting a crime of child abandonment In US? I doubt it.

Flamenca's picture
In Vermont, maybe... But in

In Vermont, maybe... But in Texas? Are you kidding? No way!

I was trying to make a correspondence between the two crimes, because I agree with you that the preacher should have been condemned.

It's a shame, and US citizens should be reclaiming laws to be changed.

Sky Pilot's picture


That's just typical biblical behavior. At least the idiots didn't gut and roast the kid like the crazy old coot Abraham might have done with Isaac. They just kicked him out like Abraham did with Ishmael.

Now here's where you come in. Personally contact with State legislature critters and get them to pass a law that will punish the crazy preachers that tell their stupid members that they should do things such as that. It's up to you if you want the problem fixed.

MCDennis's picture
They are nuts. And I come

They are nuts. And I come back to my earlier comment that theism is a mental illness

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