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Rohan M.'s picture

Many months ago, I had discovered this extremely biased version of Wikipedia, called Conservapedia, which I have since began to call “Wikipedia’s evil twin”. Its dishonest and heavily biased content can literally kill you with laughter, to the point that it’s not entirely inconceivable that this site was created with exactly that in mind (especially given CP’s creator’s attitude towards us godless heathens). Below is the link to CP:

And also, they are so ban-happy that some 11 years ago, some noble and brave-hearted atheists and scientists tried to inject facts into Conservatardia, only to be promptly thwarted and mercilessly purged by the wiki’s admins. A couple of weeks later, these freethinkers decided to create their own wiki project to criticize and debunk Conservapedia and other Creationist/conservative sites: RationalWiki. The link to RW is below:

Some nicknames for CP include Confarceapedia, Conserva-peed-ya, Conservatardia, and Contardapedia.
What are some of your thoughts on Conservapedia? I’m all ears.

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algebe's picture
I love Conservapedia. When I

I love Conservapedia. When I make a mistake and I'm feeling stupid, I look at Conservapedia and I'm reassured that there are plenty of people in the world dafter than me. How many idiots does it take to produce something like Conservapedia.

They accuse atheists of every kind of moral degeneracy, but they seem to have no problem with ripping off the look and format of Wikipedia. The only thing they haven't plagiarized is Wikipedia's robust peer review mechanism.

They've also misused the word "conservative" in their title. These slime are not conservatives. They're extremists.

Rohan M.'s picture
The saddest part of it all is

The saddest part of it all is that CP’s creator, Andrew Schlafly (affectionately referred to as “Assfly” by us RationalWikians) uses it as- ready for it- AN EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE FOR HIS HOMESCHOOL COURSES. I feel so bad for those poor students (especially the female ones; like his late mother Phyllis, Assfly thinks they ought to be stripped of their status as humans and reduced to future cooks/baby-factories/sex toys when they get married because his imaginary friend is pissed at women for how the first one wanted an apple that he made) :_(

arakish's picture
@ Algebe

@ Algebe

"They've also misused the word "conservative" in their title. These slime are not conservatives. They're extremists."

Are you sure there is a difference? I ain't seen none here in the US.


algebe's picture
arakish: Are you sure there

arakish: Are you sure there is a difference? I ain't seen none here in the US.

Conservatism should be about keeping government on a leash and giving individuals more control and responsibility over their lives, a counterbalance to tax-and-spend socialism. It's also about approaching change with reasonable caution so you don't throw out the baby with the bathwater.

American conservatives seem to follow a destructive, Bizarro version of these concepts. Instead of keeping the government on a leash, they're harnessing it to their own wagons. I can't believe a conservative president is trying to dismantle free trade. It's toxic nationalism designed to capture votes from Archie Bunkers and religious cretins like the authors of Conservapedia.

arakish's picture
@ Algebe

@ Algebe

2nd Paragraph. Completely correct. That is why I cannot see much difference between the conservatives and extremists. As far as tRump is concerned, as I have posted before, I'd rather have him that piece of shit that is Vice President take his place. With Pence up there, he'd probably get the religious cretins fired up into like a Nazi SS regime. This is one thing that is frightening for me and why I am trying to save money so I can get the fuck out of this country. I do not like where it appears to be heading. 2020 will be the kicker.


LogicFTW's picture
What everyone needs to

What everyone needs to realize is this is reality:

<=Far Left ======B.Sanders======Clinton=Center=========Bush===Trump=Far right=>
The last election and current trends are skewed heavily to far right/conservative right now.

An objective view comparing left and right policy compared to US past history as well as other left/right movements around the world, and you cannot describe the current administration/republican power to be anything other then far right.



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Cognostic's picture
There is no economic system

There is no economic system that works. If there was, we would all be using it. Corporate and consumer greed or Government and consumer greed will render any system useless. All anyone can argue for is reasons for one system being better than another and that requires cherry picking.

biggus dickus's picture
Ah yes good old Conservapedia

Ah yes, good old Conservapedia.

Rohan M.'s picture
@Basileus Biggus…

@Basileus Biggus…

Remember that embarrassing incident about 11 years ago, when CP’s founder gave a user an empty legal threat over a vandalism spree? As soon as other Conservapedians started questioning the validity of the FBI call, he was so embarrassed and butthurt that he and his cronies deleted the ENTIRE discussion thread and permabanned all users involved, and to this day, even mentioning the FBI incident is a permabannable offense. It’s astonishing how far they went to cover it up. lol XD

Sheldon's picture
Anyone I catch citing

Anyone I catch citing conservapedia as a source has a real credibility issue. They're nuts...the site is nothing more than a propaganda mouthpiece for the religious right.

The site has the same credibility as the creationist institute and the vapid creationist propaganda it espouses as if putting the word institute after it lends it some academic gravitas.

It's still superstitious guff about magic apples and talking snakes with unexplained magic at its core.

arakish's picture
@ Sheldon

@ Sheldon

I cite that Conservapedia is an uncitable source. There I cited them.


Rohan M.'s picture
Not to mention that they

Not to mention that they STILL believe in witches. No, really- just look at their article on Harry Potter and you’ll see what I mean.

The_Quieter's picture
Do they still have the thing

Do they still have the thing with the craters on the moon being caused by Noah's flood?

Rohan M.'s picture
LMFAO they ACTUALLY believe

LMFAO they ACTUALLY believe that?! Wow. Just... wow. There goes my faith in humanity.

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