Allah is ENERGY

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Randomhero1982's picture
That doesnt solve the problem

That doesnt solve the problem at all, are you really that thick?

Premise 1 is an appeal to authority as well.

Matheist's picture
Okay, still no answer on this

Okay, still no answer on this ...

This is the Third Part:


1. Allah is Energy
2. Everything is Energy
3. There is no reality but Energy


1. He made all gods same god (Quran 38:5)
2. My argument: "orange" (~ Energy) AND "narandžasta" (~ Allah) are THE SAME
3. Your argument: "orange" (~ Energy) AND "narandžasta" (~ Allah) are NOT THE SAME



Are dreams real?

Can our senses be trusted?

If the brain lied to you in dreams, what makes you think the brain is not lying to you in this reality?

What is the difference between opinion, knowledge, and wisdom for this reality?



Randomhero1982's picture


1 - Define Allah
2 - Scientifically wrong - Fields
3 - See above

Cognostic's picture


Roses are red, Matheist blue
Energy is Allah, WHOOP DE DO!

dogalmighty's picture
Why are we catering to this

Why are we catering to this circular argument for stupidity? Allah ha ha ha is dumber than a stick...and can't even see his own failure in reason. WTF. Can we have cog poop on his head in real time video please.

Cognostic's picture
doG: The Mods have not yet

doG: The Mods have not yet seen fit to ban his ass. I think I mentioned the same thing about 4 pages ago. People like this have nothing to contribute to the site. Pre-sup nonsense.

dogalmighty's picture
First part of your argument:

First part of your argument:
Allah is energy.

Our response: Please prove Allah. Please prove Allah is energy.

Your response: No answer to our questions.

Second part of your argument:
Allah is an Orange.

Our response: WTF?

Your response: Allah is an orange.

Now you have a third part of your inane ramblings...lets see how that pans out...I am guessing it will end with the same failure in reason or knowledge.


Allah grows from an orange tree? LOL.


These are functions of the brain...a naturally evolving organ. When the brain dies, those functions cease to exist.

"Are dreams real?"

the physical function of dreaming is a natural part of the sleep/wake cycle. There is a state of the brain called sleep, and a state of the brain called wake. During the sleep cycle there is truckloads of evidence that dreaming occurs. However the actual dream mentation that occurs during REM sleep, a stage of sleep, has no meaning within reality. The dreams are bits of new learned information from the day, being interfaced with information already stored...the links being made between the information already in storage in the brain, and the newly attained information from the day, is the dream mentation process. If you wake during phasic REM sleep, you may remember non-sensicle bits of information that was being linked and stored.
So Yes dreaming is real, but No the dreams mean nothing.

"Can our senses be trusted?"

Our senses represent our interaction with the physical world, stored within our brain. The more interaction we have, the more knowledge we attain, the more accurate our senses will be...assuming a healthy brain or its capacity for reason.

"If the brain lied to you in dreams, what makes you think the brain is not lying to you in this reality?"

Because dream mentation is not rational thought, in any way, and is just a naturally occuring function of the brain while asleep to store/link new information with old information. No meaning can be derived from it whatsoever. When asleep, the brain does not function the same as when we are awake...we have no rational thought when we are asleep.

"What is the difference between opinion, knowledge, and wisdom for this reality?"

Well, human's have defined different meanings to those words, for different circumstances in life. We are species with a highly evolved brain, we not only have the capacity to define many words, we can also use those words in abstract thought. However, when a person's brain is dead...that function is dead.


Well, the species that can hear and see, controls these functions via a central nervous system, of which the brain is the origin.


We do! :)

Let me guess, you are hypothesizing that an orange does these things? LOL.

Bad Santa's picture
Ooooo, is he still here??...

Ooooo, is he still here??... let me play, let me play too.

Hey Matheist,

You wrote this:

Allah is energy.

And in previous thread you wrote this:

1. Energy (Allah) cannot be created.
2. Energy (Allah) cannot be destroyed.
3. Energy (Allah) can be transformed.

and this:

You agree Energy exists. That is the proof.

and then this:

I can call energy in any language I like.

So, I think I'm right to assume that you equate Energy with Allah. Same thing just a different name, right?

Well, let me point out just a few differences:
1. Energy is a physics concept, an abstract scalar quantity associated with motion (kinetic energy) or arrangement (potential energy). Energy is not measured, it is computed. It is verifiable, tested and true. Allah, on the other hand, is an invention of old, insecure men, with small dicks and shriveled balls (hence insecurity), to fool, terrorize and subjugate others.
2. Energy does not command the followers to kill the ones that do not believe in it. Your Allah does implore the faithful to kill apostates.
3. Energy does not care which hand you use to wipe your ass and with which hand you eat. Your Allah cares about stupid and insignificant details like that.
4. Energy does not teach that fresh and salt water do not mix. Your Allah does (I guess that the old men with small dicks and shriveled balls didn't know anything about the Estuarine Science back then and invented shit left and right)
5. Energy does not give anybody the right to fuck underaged girls. Your Allah does, otherwise the self proclaimed prophet Muhammad wouldn't dare to rape twelve years old girl.
6. Energy does not hold a grudge against pigs. Your Allah does (poor pig)

You see where I'm going with it?

So, quoting you:

What's wrong with your logic? (Quran 68:35)

Aaaaaahhh, that felt gooood....

Randomhero1982's picture
Some brilliant comments, he

Some brilliant comments, he was a serious nut ball!

I still cannot fathom how he could make his claims and maintain a serious face(whilst calling me a bigot on multiple occasions).

1. Energy exists.

2. Everything is Energy.

3. Ancient people call that Energy as Light

4. I call that Energy as Allah.

5. These people call Energy as:

My issues with the crap he proposed was very simple...

1. Yes Energy exists.

2. Energy is not everything, fields are what make up the cosmos, they in turn carry energy.

3. An appeal to tradition fallacy.

4. Unsubstantiated claim.

5. Literally offers no weight to the preceding garbage.

toto974's picture
Don't forget space-time.

Don't forget space-time.

Bad Santa's picture
@ Randomero

@ Randomero
Hahaha, right you are my friend!!
A serious nut ball and shrivelled too, I'm afraid (same as the old men that invented this shit...)

Randomhero1982's picture
That's the major religions

@Bad Santa - That's the major religions for you...

Christian's love a God that randomly impregnates women without asking (rapist), then has his son tortured and executed.

And Muslims worship a war mongering paedophile.

What a wonderful bunch of twats.


Attach Image/Video?: 

Bad Santa's picture
Oh shit, someone here already

Oh shit, someone here already warned me not to drink while reading the post here... (my keyboard is sticky now)
Love you meme!

Cognostic's picture


1. Allah is Energy (Assertions are true.)
2. Everything is Energy (No proof have you,)
3. There is no reality but Energy (That all I say is not true.)


1. He made all gods same god (Quran 38:5) (THE QUA'ARAN IS TRUE).
2. My argument: "orange" (~ Energy) AND "narandžasta" (~ Allah) are THE SAME (ORANGE IS ORANGE)
3. Your argument: "orange" (~ Energy) AND "narandžasta" (~ Allah) are NOT THE SAME (ORANGE IS NOT BLUE.)

chimp3's picture
Is the OP aware that light is

Is the OP aware that light is matter. Is he assering that Allah is a single photon? This may have been addressed but I can't get through 254 posts.

Randomhero1982's picture
Aware? You could have a

Aware? You could have a billboard a block long with a sign reading the most scientificly accurate definition, signed by every physicist in the world and he's still repeat his bullshit claim.

Sheldon's picture
!Aware? You could have a

!Aware? You could have a billboard a block long with a sign reading the most scientificly accurate definition, signed by every physicist in the world and he's still repeat his bullshit claim."

Sadly it's all too evident that theists will never let objective scientific facts stand in the way of their mendacious claims to have scientific evidence for their fatuous beliefs.


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