Hey Christians where is Jesus now?

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Nyarlathotep's picture
science follower - Please don

science follower - Please don`t choose to you profane language when you post a response to me


science follower - You see the who thing as shit do you, well you missed the whole point of the service.


science follower - I am a apologist, A defender of the Christian faith.


science follower - jesus death according to the prophet Isaiah was to usher in the messianic age but it did not, it never happened. the whole thing is a con game...no man can be a god, all [Jesus'] miracles were fake...nor did [Jesus] rise again the whole story is one big hoax.

Sky Pilot's picture
science follower,

science follower,

Sorry but I'm calling BS on your statement that you follow Yeshua completely. A more accurate statement would be something like: "I know the commandments that Yeshua gave and I try to follow them but I have a long way to go. I still pray in public, I still have all of my stuff and have no intention of giving it to the poor, I worry about everything, I don't fast except when I'm sleeping, I still have my family and love them, I hate my enemies, and I never visit anyone in prison or give aid and comfort to the sick, homeless, or hungry."

bigbill's picture
I love jesus Christ for all

I love jesus Christ for all he has done for me and humanity, I can site examples to you how he has worked in my life. But I`m also a follower of science I respect science but when it comes down to the bare facts I`m a Christian apologist and I use science to forward my Christian arguments.Everything leads back to the trail of god, What ever we accomplish is because of god allowing it to happen.

CyberLN's picture
Science follower, despite its

Science follower, despite its rarity, I frequently wonder if you have D.I.D.

Nyarlathotep's picture
CyberLN - I frequently wonder

CyberLN - I frequently wonder if you have D.I.D.

I've been convinced for a while that more than one person uses that account. Perhaps we are both right.

CyberLN's picture
Multiple people using the

Multiple people using the same account is, of course, far more likely than D.I.D. Thanks for the sanity check, Nyar.

(Yes, it was a really bad pun. Just couldn't stop myself though.)

bigbill's picture
Please don`t try to

Please don`t try to psychoanalyze me, I am a child of God with my own unique personality, I try to follow the teachings of my beloved Jesus Christ, who I owe everything to him.I f I come across in my post like I`m different that is because I am. No 2 people are alike saint Peter said that Christian followers are a peculiar people a royal priesthood. We don`t try to live like the world or culture and society dictate to us. I take Jesus at his word, when he said he is the way and the light of the world. Since the world is full of darkness he is the light that brings meaning into existence.I have as far as I can be separate from the enticements of the world. It doesn`t matter what anyone says or does to me, As long as I have Jesus, I then am complete.

LogicFTW's picture
I agree no 2 people are

I agree no 2 people are completely alike, even identical twins can be quite different in personality.

Does not matter what anyone does to you?
You do not mind if I take all your money and material items? How about a kidney? You only need one to live. You said as long as you have Jesus, (your imaginary friend,) you are complete.

I would not really mind christians if they would just stop telling how everyone else should live and imposing their beliefs, (sometimes by brutal conquest,) on others. I got nothing against people having imaginary friends they like to worship, if they would just keep it to themselves in the privacy of their own homes.

algebe's picture
@Science Follower: "Since the

@Science Follower: "Since the world is full of darkness"

And most of that darkness emanates from cathedrals, churches, temples and mosques. I visited the Vatican last year. It was like being in the evil, diseased heart of all the darkness in history. The cult that Jesus supposedly started has brought more pain, suffering, evil and darkness into the world than the black death and smallpox combined. Mohammed's cult is a close second.

Sky Pilot's picture


I've been to the Vatican several times. It's very impressive and even awe-inspiring. But have you ever seen so many idols in one place? They are everywhere. I'm pretty sure that those idols are anti-biblical.

mykcob4's picture
He is mowing my neighbor's

He is mowing my neighbor's lawn and does so every week.


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