Anderson Cooper Reprimands Politician for Supporting Anti-Gay Bill

Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper invited a state senator from Arizona who supports the proposed bill that allows businesses to refuse service to members of the LGBT community on religious grounds. While attempting to understand Al Melvin’s point of view on his show that aired on February 24, Cooper bulldozed the politician for his bigotry stand.

“You’re running for governor of Arizona. You're going to be governor of gay and lesbian people, and you can’t even go on the record and say if a gay or lesbian person is fired simply for being gay or lesbian, that’s discrimination? You can’t even make that leap and say, ‘Yeah, that would be discrimination?’” reprimanded Cooper.

Clearly, Melvin failed to explain his standpoint.

Photo Credits: mroach



Casper Rigsby

Kudos to Mr. Cooper, both for putting this man's bigotry on display, and for managing to maintain his composure in the face of it. This is what must be done. These men must be put on display as the bigoted and ignorant fools they are and we must make it such an embarrassment to say such things aloud in public that people dare not do it any more. The religious, especially right wing Christians, understand shame and if we must shame them into an understanding that this is inappropriate behavior.... then so be it, and let them be shamed.

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