Atheist Republic News Summary: Fox News on Atheists

Mar 24 Summary

An opinion piece produced by Fox News is encouraging people to stand up to and fight atheists. After a slew of insults thrown at atheists from the author, he proclaims them all to be bullies.

A woman is accusing Joseph Bishop, the former president of the Provo Missionary Training Center, of sexual assault. She detailed a strange room where the assault took place, with a bed, a TV, and a VCR. A former employee stepped forward to say such room existed, adding credibility to the alleged victim’s story.

Atheist Day is going to be official March 23, 2019. Armin Navabi gives details about the day, and why atheists need one:

A man involved with the murder of Guari Lankesh, was going to kill KS Bhagwan, a man who criticized Hindu beliefs, but was arrested before going through with the second murder. He will be charged for his role in the conspiracy.

A writer for PNN suggests Stephen Hawking was kept alive by demonic forces. He also suggests that he was chosen by the Devil to counter Billy Graham.

Gabriel Ross Parker shot two classmates in January. His motive is now being established on the fact that he was an atheist and believed life had no meaning.

There has been a proposal in Sweden to stop funding religious schools and making them follow guidelines set by the government. One Islamic headmaster at a religious school in Sweden was open about the fact that he wanted Sharia law implemented at his school, but the government felt segregating genders was discriminatory. 

Mohammed bin Salman opens up to the world in a 60 Minutes interview. He discusses bringing Saudi Arabia back to before the Islamic takeover in 1979.

After forcing Kurdish fighters away and winning victory over Afrin, it’s been reported that Syrian fighters backed by Turkey looted homes, military bases, and political sites, stripping people of everything they owned, even livestock.

As Easter falls on April Fool’s day this year, a church has put up a billboard telling people to skip church this Sunday. While it’s supposed to be a joke, there are many reasons to think this joke may backfire.

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